~195~ Challenge

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Ellie's POV

It's been a few weeks since Clayton's been born, and a lot has happened.

Emma and Luke have gotten their Bachelor's Degrees. Emma now has her degree in business, and she and Jake are officially partners. Luke has his in Physical Education, and he's already been hired on at the school as a secondary PE teacher, as well as the girl's Basketball coach for next year.

Both of my twins are so happy, and proud of themselves.

Trace has officially graduated from the fire academy, and he's starting as Candidate under Captain Clark's squad next week.

An entire chapter in this life we've created is starting soon!

Shay should've graduated along with the other three, but things have changed. She had to take time off after her cancer diagnosis. Now that she's healthy, she doesn't want to do theatre anymore. So, next year she's starting again, and she will be switching her major to Business as well. She isn't sure what she wants to do, but she knows her time in theatre is over.


Tonight we're having a big celebration with Trace, Emma, and Luke as guests of honor.

The entire party is going like usual—Laughs, fun, and food.

That is, until my insane oldest child decides to be his normal self.

"Ok boys and girls—eyes on me!"

When everyone ignores him, he tries again.

"One hand on your hips, the other on your lips!"

I laugh out loud. That's what Drew's kindergarten class had to do before they could leave the classroom. He showed us once, and we were howling.

When that doesn't work, he looks at me.

"Mommy! I have something super important to say, and everyone's ignoring me. Be scary!"

I chuckle and roll my eyes. "The next person I see talking gets Woody'd!" I yell.

Instantly the house goes silent, and Taylor starts laughing. When I look at him, he clamps his lips together and breathes through his nose deeply.

"Thanks, mommy. As I was saying, ya big bunch'a brats, I have something important here in my hands—Who here is brave?!?!?!"

No one raises their hand.

Liam stomps his foot and glares at Mason. "BFF, cooperate!"

"What are ya gonna make me do?"

"You're a man, aren't ya?"

"I don't think I wanna be today."

Taylor laughs loudly again, and nods. "What are you wanting, bonehead?"

"Will you be a man with me?"

"Sure," he nods, standing up and coming over.


Alex slumps his shoulders. "I guess...."

Liam smiles big. "Jake?"

"I'm man enough not to feel the need to prove my manliness."

Liam shakes his head... *chicken* he fake coughs.

Jake rolls his eyes and walks over to the men.

"Whoop whoop! Wes?"



"No. You have a gleam in your eye that I don't like. Whatever it is, I want no part in it!"

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now