~15~ Help Your Neighbor

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Emma's POV

Trace and I are outside, studying on the porch in the backyard. It's a beautiful day, and we both have the afternoon off.

"Emmy, can I ask you something?"

I put my pen down and nod.

"How financially secure do you want to be before we get married?"


He sighs and holds my hand. "Waiting another two years to marry you feels like forever. I don't want to propose to you and get turned down, though...That would be awful. Are you firm on two years?"

I smile at him. Two years does feel like forever. "No"

"No you're not firm?"

I just shake my head.

Tears fill his eyes as he smirks and nods. "Good to know," he says simply as we go back to studying.

A few minutes later, Owen walks over.

"Hey!" I say, surprised. He knows that having him move in next door is a sore spot for Trace, so he's ALWAYS been respectful. He never comes over, he always keeps his distance, and he only ever waves and smiles at us.

I still train him, but we keep it professional. He's seriously an amazing guy, and he's doing what he can to not rock the boat.

"What's up dude?" Trace asks in a surprisingly friendly tone. I silently fall even more in love with him for that.

"Guys, I am SO sorry. I promise if I wasn't completely desperate there's no way in hell I would do this."

"Daddy," Jenna says disapprovingly.

"Sorry, JJ. There's no way in heck I would do this."

Trace and I chuckle.

"What's up?" Trace asks again.

"I have a class in half an hour. My mom just called and she has the flu...She can't watch her. My dad is out of town at a conference, and Jenna's mom won't.......she's busy," he says, keeping the anger out of his voice.

"Get to class. We will watch her for as long as you need," Trace says with a genuine smile.

"Really?" He asks, relief flooding his body.

"Yeah," I smile at him.

"I owe you guys. Seriously, name your price and it's yours."

"Get to class before you're late, and we will call it even," Trace says.

Owen clears his throat and nods. He bends down and looks at Jenna. "You be a good girl. Do you hear me? I better not have to have another discussion with you when I get back."

Jenna automatically rubs her bottom. Trace and I hide a smirk. We've never seen him spank her, but now it's obvious that he does.

"I will," she says softly.

He nods, pulls her into him, and kisses her head. "I'll be back in two hours. You have no idea what you're doing for me," he says, fighting tears.

"My mom was a single mom. She said it was hell. There's always people here to help you. Go now," I smile.

He wipes a tear that falls, slings his book bag over his shoulder, and runs quickly to his car.

Jenna watches her dad, and starts crying.

Trace quickly gets up and scoops her up.

"Awe, don't be sad. Daddy will be back really soon. Wanna get some ice cream? I know for a fact there's
chocolate ice cream inside!"

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