~89~ Rescind My Offer

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Luke's POV

We've been packing and getting boxes from people all week. This is our last night here, and mom asked us to have dinner downstairs. The ONLY reason I am, is for her. I have no interest in seeing my dad.

I've avoided him since I told mom we were leaving. I only go downstairs when I know he's at shift, or not home.

There's a knock on the door, and I go to answer it. Mom is there, with some boxes in her hands.

"Need any help?" She asks as she hands me the stack.

I shake my head. "Nah. We're just about done. We only have a few things left to pack."

She nods as she scans the boxed up apartment, and blinks several times.

"Is this how it's going to be from now on?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, setting the boxes down on the floor.

"Are you ever going to come over?"

"For you? Of course."

"Lucas Reed, this has to end between you two. I can't live like this forever," she says, her voice shaking.

"I have more packing to do. What time do you want us downstairs for dinner?"

"We're eating at 6, but I would like you there before."

I give her a small smile and nod. I'm dreading this.

When it's finally time for dinner, Shay and I go downstairs. Dad is goofing around with Nolan, smacking his butt with a wet towel. They must have made up.

When he sees me, he immediately stops goofing off and gets an unsure look on his face.

"Hey guys"

"Hi," Shay smiles, feeling completely awkward. She's been hating this so much.

I ignore dad and go to the fridge to get a soda.

"I don't have to work tomorrow. Do you need help moving? I know you recruited Wes, Jake, and Trace. I would love to help if you'll let me."

I finally look at him, and see how sad his face looks.

"I'm good," I say as I sit at my normal spot at the table.

"Can I at least see where you guys will be staying?" He asks as he sits down.

I look at him and nod. "Sure, dad. I had no intentions of keeping such important information from you. We'll be living at the Prospect Plaza apartments."

He nods as he picks up his water and takes a drink. It's quiet for a long, awkward moment before mom sets the lasagna and garlic bread down on the table.

We start eating, and it's awkward. Finally mom clears her throat.

"Shay, I thought I'd go over with you when you take the first load, so I could help you clean. Would that be ok?"

Shay smiles big. "Yes please."

Mom smiles at me and looks at Dad. I see dad shrug, but quietly continues to eat.

After another couple of minutes, dad looks back at me.

"Luke, can I please help you move?"

I sigh as I put my fork down and look at him. "You always just end up doing whatever the hell you feel like, dad...So sure. You can help me move."

"Ok," dad says as he puts his fork down and takes a big breath.

"Taylor...." mom warns.

"Nope, I'm done. I've been putting up with this for weeks now. Lucas, I'm still your dad, and you're done treating me like garbage. Hear me? I'm not tiptoeing around you for the rest of my life. I tried that, and it's not working. I'm not afraid of you. I also, will not beg you to let me be apart of your life. I love you more than I could ever tell you, but kid....this is ending now. I'm always here. Night and day, I'm here. But if you're going to treat me like shit, then I will just respectfully rescind my offer to help. I hope it goes smoothly for you tomorrow," he says as he gets up from the table and goes upstairs, slamming the door.

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