~112~ Mama Bears

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Liam's POV

"Did you just hit me?" I ask, basically whispering. This was NOT the time to play the game of 'how far can we push Liam, to see when he'll finally snap.'

"Baby, I'm about to do more than that," she says in a scary voice.

She's been hanging out with my mom too long

"Savvy, get down here now!" She yells at the bottom of the stairs.

"What are you doing?" I ask, feeling suuuper snappy. Us menfolk can't touch woman, but they can wail on us whenever they want? Talk about injustice!

She turns back to me, and I literally flinch. Man I don't want slapped again. That shit hurt.

Then I feel like a wuss for flinching... this has just NOT been my day.

She points her finger in my face (the second time one of my girls has done that to me today) and starts yelling.

"She ISN'T just YOUR daughter, she's OUR'S! How dare you make such a big decision without me!"

Savannah had come down the stairs just then, and heard all of that.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, still rubbing my cheek. Man it burns

"You will NOT keep Colton from her. Ground her for a while and not let her see him, sure. But for good? For once in our marriage, I'M OVERRULING YOU!!!!"

"You can't do that!" I say, getting pissed all over again.

"I SURE AS SHIT CAN, AND YOU'RE GONNA STAND THERE AND WATCH ME!" She screams. I can honestly say that I have never seen my wife this mad before in all the years I've known her.

She turns to Savannah, and Savvy is just as freaked as me.

"You're grounded—for how long has yet to be determined. After that, you can still see Colton. Your dad will NOT separate you two."

"Nora, we need to talk about this in private," I snap.

She turns back at me, and nods. "I agree. We DID need to talk about this in private. BEFORE such a horrible decision was made WITHOUT ME!"

"Nora, stop screaming at me," I say, once I see Jaxson holding the twins' hands in horror. They have never seen their mom like this.

"You are marching OUR daughter over to your dads, right now. You will tell YOUR brother that you are sorry for spanking him."

I see Savannah's mouth literally drop open at that.

"You will then write a check to your dad for the window you broke, and take it out of the fund you were saving for that dirt bike you wanted."

Ouch. She might as well just kicked me in the nuts

"You will fix this, Liam. You were wrong, and you WILL fix this, now."

"Who do you think you are?"

"Your wife. Your mom knows all about this, because your dad went over and told her. She's pissed, and Taylor made her stay home so we could take care of it ourselves....keep it up and I'll call her over anyways. I'm not above having your mommy Woody your ass."

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "You can't just....."

"I can and I did," she interrupts.


"Liam......you really wanna ruin your relationship with your daughter? Because this would."

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