~196~ Was She Right?

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Ellie's POV

"Ellie Jane, my stomach still feels awful," Taylor says as we climb in bed that night.

I kiss his head. "Why in the world did you do it?"

"Liam was right—It looked fun. Plus, I love spicy stuff. This wasn't spicy, it was hell."

After a minute, I hear some noises—Alex is puking in the bathroom off of the hall.

"That's how I feel," he moans as he turns over and goes to sleep.


The next morning, both Alex and Taylor look a little green.

"How you feeling?" I ask with a small smile.

"Like I puked and shit all night," Alex says as he gets in the fridge for a sprite.

Taylor pours himself some coffee and takes a sip. "Ugh. I can't do this right now," he says as he gets a sprite too.

Nolan comes down the stairs and grins at the men. "How are the toilets?"

"Still work," Taylor grumbles.

He chuckles... "You really don't look so good."

"I don't feel so good," he says weakly as he sips on his soda.

Suddenly the door swings open, and Megan is hysterical.

"Meg!" I gasp as Taylor and I both rush over to her.


She can say nothing else as she hands me a handwritten note.

I knew if I told you face-to-face, you'd try and stop me. I love you, mom and dad, but I hate it here. I don't want to live in a small town, and marry by the time I'm 25. I don't want to just pop out babies all of the time. I need to live my own life, away from you guys. Thanks for everything. I'll check in once I'm settled.



"Meg!" I whisper as tears fill my eyes.

Taylor rips the note out of my hands and reads it. Then he hands it to Alex.

Alex immediately grabs his computer off the table and sits down, typing some stuff.

"She's almost to Utah already. I'll have a cop stop her until you can get to her," he says as he gets on his phone.

"Don't bother," Wes says from the door, looking like a burning man.

"It's no problem," Alex says.

Wes shakes his head. "We've given her a good life. She's wanted for nothing since the day she was born. She graduates, and then leaves in the dead of night? She can't even kiss her mom goodbye? Don't try to find her—I'm done. I just took her off the plan, so her phone service should be done at any time."

"Wes! What if she needs us?" Megan asks in horror.

Wes shrugs. "She doesn't. Didn't you read the note? She doesn't wanna end up like us."

"Wes!" Megan cries as she puts her head down. "What do we do?!?" She begs as she looks at me.

I hug her and hold her close. "Wait for her to come home."

Megan pulls away from me, her eyes blazing.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She screams at Wes.

"How the hell is this my fault?"

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