~85~ Princess

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Josie's POV

When I meet up with Mason after school, he still has a scowl on his face.

"What?" I ask as he locks his door and we start walking down the hall.

"That kid is bad news, and I want you to stay away from him. He's gotten expelled from three schools in the last two years."

"Who are you talking about?" I ask, pretending to be confused.

"Oh stop. You know exactly who I'm talking about."

"Careful, Mason. You're starting to sound like the stereotypical 'protective older brother'."

"I don't give a shit. Stay away from him, Jocelyn."

"You're the one who told him to sit next to me," I stupidly blurt out.

He nods as we walk out of the school and to the parking lot.

"Yeah? Well I'm switching the seating arrangements tomorrow."

"Seriously? Mason, you're being stupid. You can't tell me who I can and cannot talk to."

"Watch me," he says, sounding bored as we get into his car and drive off.

As we're driving, my phone lights up.

Aiden0022 added me on Snapchat. Could this seriously be Bad Boy?

I put my phone down and look out my window.

"What's his name?" I ask Mason nonchalantly.

"You flirted with him like crazy but didn't think to ask his name?" He asks, giving me a dumb look.

"I didn't flirt with him! Why are you acting like a jealous boyfriend?!?"

"Knock it off, Jocelyn. I didn't say a word when you dated that Tommy kid last year...Or when you went to that dance with Bryce....But Aiden is a bad kid, and I REFUSE to allow you to go down that path."

I inwardly smile. Aiden is his name, and he's the one that added me.

I get my phone out and add him back. As we pull in the driveway, my phone lights up; He sent me a snap.

*Hey Shorty.

If I squeal now, Mason will probably look at my phone. Play cool, Josie.

I go inside and head up to my room. Mason doesn't say anything or follow me. Good! I was actually wondering if I would be in trouble for forgetting my homework in my locker.

When I shut my door, I sit on my bed and start typing

*hey yurself

I'm so nervous, I have butterflies.

*figured this school wud b a drag. Glad to see it mite b interesting

Ok, the boy can't spell, but that's somehow even hotter

*give it a chance 😜

I can't believe how nervous I'm feeling. I'm falling for a kid that I don't know, and just met a couple hours ago.


I roll my eyes and leave my phone on the bed, going down to see what Mason wants.

"Yeah?" I ask when I see him at the table, working on grading.

"What did I tell you to do?" He asks, putting his pen down and looking at me hard.

I'm blanking....I have no idea.

"The skirt. Go change and throw it away. Right now!"

I stomp my foot. "I'm NOT throwing it away! I'll be 18 in half a year, and I'll wear it then."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now