~36~ Honorary Dance

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Emma's POV

When mom and dad get to us, they wrap us up in a huge hug. I'm suddenly so overcome with emotion. I'm married. I'M MARRIED!

Wes and Megan come up and hug us tight. I've heard stories about bad in-laws...Horror stories. I'm so beyond grateful mine aren't like that. Wes and Megan have always been my second parents. I've never known life without them. They've always been here for me. I'm even named after my mother-in-law. How freaking cool is that?!?

We go through the motions, hugging everyone and being congratulated by them.

When Luke gets up to us, he shakes his head as he fights his tears hard. He silently wraps me up in a huge hug, getting snow all over me; His tux jacket is covered with snow.

"I'm so lucky you're my twin. He might get you for everything, but I get you as my twin. I love you so much, Emma."

I kiss him and wipe a tear off of his cheek.

"I love you too."

He looks at Trace and pulls him into a huge hug. "You've always been my brother. Now you actually are."

Trace wipes a tear that falls down his cheek and nods. "I'll take care of your sister, man."

"I know," he sniffs as he kisses my cheek again and leaves so more people can congratulate us.

When Jake gets to me, he grins his dorky grin.

"How'd I do?" He chuckles.


"You look perfect, Emma Kate. I'm so happy for you, beautiful girl."

I hug him tight and kiss his stubbly cheek. "You were the perfect person for the job, that you for this, Jake."

Tears fill his eyes as he silently nods, kisses my forehead, and then hugs Trace.

By the time we are in our car to ride to the reception, I'm already tired.

Trace silently looks at me and squeezes my hand. "I knew you were going to be beautiful, Emmy, but man."

I kiss him softly and bite his lip. He looks at me and smirks. "Save that for tonight," he winks.

Butterflies fill my stomach. I'm having sex tonight. I'm losing my virginity tonight. I'm married, and having sex for the first time on my wedding night. I'm nervous.

We take all of our pictures, get to the reception, and do the cutting of the cake and things. Then we eat our dinner.

Trace and I do our first dance, and it's magic. I can't take my eyes off of him as he twirls me around the dance floor. The photographer is clicking away, capturing the moment.

Dad and I do our dance, and I'm having so much fun. Dad is such a good dancer...I'm not. He leads so effortlessly that it's like I've danced my whole life. He holds me tight and kisses my head. "I'm sure going to miss you, baby girl."

"Thanks for everything, daddy. I'm going to miss you too."

Tears fill his eyes as we continue to dance. "You ever need anything, day or night, you call me. Hear me?"

"Yes sir" I smile as I kiss his cheek.

Once Trace and Megan do their dance, the DJ starts to change it so everyone is free to dance....Suddenly I see dad walk up to the stage and talk to the DJ. Then he takes the microphone the DJ hands to him.

"Hi everyone. I promise I'll only talk for a minute, and then you can get back to the party. First, on behalf of the Greene's, and my wife and I, we want to thank you for all of your love and support for our kids. We appreciate you."

"I also wanted to take this moment to talk about someone that I appreciate more than words can express. Someone who doesn't get enough credit. When Emma was a kid, Ellie and I had a hard time connecting with her...Getting her to see how amazing she really was. Her Uncle Jake stepped into a role that we couldn't fill, and she started to flourish."

"I'll admit, at first it was really hard for me. She was MY daughter. I should be able to fulfill all of her needs... but I couldn't. Emma needed Jake in her life. She needed his rough "no nonsense" yet "goofy teddy bear" personality. She is the woman you are seeing today because of Jake. Thank you, Jake, for providing what I couldn't all of these years. I really want you and Emma to have a dance together before the DJ starts doing the Cha Cha Slide," he smirks.

Jake is over in the corner, trying his best not to cry. It takes him a moment to move. Once he does, he walks straight over to dad, and hugs him tight. Dad says something in Jake's ear, and Jake nods. Then Jake walks over to me, tears streaming down.

"What do you say, Emma Kate. Wanna dance?"

"As long as you don't step on my toes," I smirk as I take his hand and we walk to the dance floor.

"I ain't making no promises. Your mom got the dancing gene," he chuckles as the DJ turns on a song and we start slow dancing.

He brings me in close and kisses my head. "I needed you more, Emmy. All those years I told you to get off the sidelines, I wasn't even taking my own advice. You're the reason I asked out Sarah. I would still be alone and without kids if it wasn't for you," he says, shaking his head. He's starting to cry, and crying is embarrassing for him.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, getting himself back under control.

"I love you," I say as I kiss his cheek.

He nods and puts his chin on my head as we sway to the music. "Tell your dad you love him after this, will ya? It takes a pretty incredible man to do what he just did."

"I was already planning on it," I smile.

He smiles as we dance silently for the rest of the song.

Once it's over, he kisses me again and hugs me tight. "Have fun on your honeymoon, Emma Kate. I don't want to hear a word about it though, got me? Not one word. An uncle has to draw the line somewhere."

I laugh loudly and nod, squeezing his hand again as I go to find my dad.

He's over in the corner with Liam and Wes, watching me and Jake dance. Tears are streaming down his face.

I silently hug him, and kiss his cheek. "If I had my choice on who my dad would be, I still would have picked you, daddy. Thank you for always putting my needs first. I love you."

Dad takes a deep breath and looks up at the ceiling. Liam silently squeezes dad's shoulder. Dad looks back down at me and tears are flowing down his cheeks.

"Thank you, angel," he finally says as he holds me close.

I see the photographer taking our picture, and I'm glad. I want to remember this moment. The moment I saw how spectacular my dad really is. He just admitted to a hundred people that there was another father figure in my life who was able to help me. He showed everyone that it was ok...That he loved me more than his pride. It showed me how lucky I am to have him.

"Go dance with you husband, sweet girl," he says as he gently squeezes my hand.

I nod as I go to find Trace.

Once I do, we spend forever getting lost in each other's eyes.

Once the reception is over and we hug everyone goodbye, we get in our car and leave.

We leave for our wedding night. For our honeymoon. For our future.

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