~84~ Bad Boy

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I'm hoping I don't give you guys reading whiplash! The last storyline opened several things for me to write about, but frankly, I'm needing a tiny break...The last storyline was hard for me to write, and I'm sure it was pretty dramatic to read! So, I'm going into a Josie storyline that I've had planned for a while. Don't worry! I haven't forgotten about Luke and Taylor's feud, I just need a little break before I dive into it!

Josie's POV

I'm trying to figure out what to write in the letter to Dylan I'm working on. Mason said I couldn't write about all the crazy that's happened until it was over, so it wouldn't stress Dylan out.

Ellie should be home anytime, so Mason gave me the green light to tell Dylan.

I'm missing Dylan so bad, I can't hardly stand it. I may or may not be crying myself to sleep each night.

He always drove me so crazy when he was here, but now that he's gone, it's empty. I just feel so lonely.

As I'm deep into my letter, Ellie and Taylor come through the door.

Sasha rushes her and knocks her over, hugging her as tight as she can.

I don't know the details about what happened...My stupid brother won't tell me. All I know is the guy is dead. I hate that Mason keeps me so sheltered...I hate it SO much!

Once Sasha let's go of her mom, Ellie smiles at Mason and goes over to him, hugging him gently and kissing his cheek.

"Thanks for the ocean view room," she says softly as she touches his cheek with her thumb.

He smiles and hugs her again. "I hoped it would help you."

She nods. "It was the only thing that kept me sane. Between Ben and Wes, I needed the ocean."

"What about Wes?" Taylor asks.

Ellie rolls her eyes. "We got into a mega fight."

"You did?!?"

She gets a funny look on her face, and looks at Taylor.

"We're good now."

"What was it about?" Taylor asks.

"I don't wanna tell you."


"Because Wes already kicked my ass, and I know you would agree with him. Can't you just keep telling me how beautiful I am and leave it alone?"

Taylor gets a serious look and nods. "I'll just ask Wes."

"Damn it...he'll squeal....stupid bro-code," she pouts.

Taylor rolls his eyes.

"Well, you should probably know that we had to kiss again."

"Eleanor Jane Preston, I seriously can't take you anywhere!" Taylor says, exasperated.

He looks at Mason and gives him a small smile.

"How much damage control do I need to do with you, Mason?"

Mason shrugs. "I'm pissed, Taylor."

Taylor nods. "I know. Let me get her settled and then I'll come back over and see if I can get you to forgive me. I know how bad it looked."

Mason shrugs again. "I'm pissed, but you don't need to...I'll get over it. I know how much of a raging lunatic you become when it comes to Ellie."

Taylor hides a smile. "I'll let that slide," he chuckles.

"Plus, Luke is mad enough for all of us. He's who you need to worry about."

Taylor scratches his eyebrow and nods. "I am. I love you, Mason. She told me on the plane how you stepped up for her. Thank you, my son," he says as he hugs Mason.

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