~107~ Fix Me

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Intense Trigger Warning for this chapter. This is also the end of Josie's storyline, and we will move on to other things after this ❤️

Josie's POV

I have a deep, dark pit in my stomach, and I'm praying I'm wrong. I know I'm not, though.

I go and find Mason, raking leaves outside. I'm nervous, and I'm praying he'll let me.

Please let me

When he sees me, he stops and leans on the rake. "Wanna help?" He grins.

"No thanks....uh....I know I'm grounded still, but I was wondering if I could hang out with Izzy for a bit. Go get a coffee, or something."

He looks at me for a long time. So long, I start shifting my weight absentmindedly. His scrutiny is intense right now.

"With Izzy?"

I nod.

"You can go for two hours."


He leans down and kisses my head. "I'm trying to trust you again. You say you're going with Izzy, I will choose to believe you. Please don't destroy this trust, Josie."

I reach up and kiss his cheek. "I love you"

"Love you too, girly. Go have fun," he says as he swats my thigh playfully.

I go over to Wes' house, and walk in.

"Woah!!! Jocelyn Grace, is that you?!?" Wes asks as he gives me a huge bear hug.

"Hey Wes. Mason said I could see if Izzy wanted to get coffee with me. Is she busy?"

He grins. "Busy doing chores, yeah. I would wager that she would find the time for a coffee break. IZZY!!" He yells.

Izzy come downstairs after a minute, and sighs. "Dad, I'm still working on the bathroom. Lay off already," she snaps.

He crosses his arms and gets a mad look on his face. "I was gonna give you a break, to go hang out with Josie. Do we need to go upstairs instead?"

"No sir"

He nods. "I didn't appreciate that. You get a second bathroom to clean when you get back. Go have fun," he says as he motions towards me.

Izzy nods at him, and then smiles at me. We get in her car and she smiles big. "Are you ungrounded?!?"


"How did this happen, then?"

I look at her and take a deep breath. "Can we get out of here?"

She looks at me, studying my face. Finally she nods and starts the car, leaving the driveway. "Where are we going?" She finally asks.

"The store"

"For what?"

"Pregnancy test."

She pulls the car over and stops, staring at me in horror.


"Stop!" I interrupt

She doesn't say another word as she pulls back on the road, and we buy a test at the store.

We take it to a park, and I go into one of the restrooms they have.

Izzy goes with me, and it's what I expected.


"Can I borrow your phone?" I ask, numb. This is awful.

She wordlessly hands it to me.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now