~189~ Trading Questions For Salmon

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Raya's POV

"When can I go home?" I ask Jake as we're all sitting in the room, watching TV.

"Few days, kid. They have to make sure they get your sugars regulated with the insulin."

I put my head back on the pillow and sigh. It's funny how life works. Yesterday, life was going along fine. I'm doing my thing, when bam—Today I have Type 1 Diabetes, and will have it for the rest of my life.

I went from eating what I want, whenever I want, to monitoring what I eat. Oh, and if that wasn't annoying enough, I also have to have at least two insulin shots a day. Wanna know where? Stomach.....Or thighs....Seriously I have the worst luck.

"Can't I go home tomorrow? I'm feeling fine!"

Jake looks at me weird and raises his eyebrow. "Why ya wanna go home so bad?"

I sit up and cross my legs. "It's obvious hospitals freak Justin out, and I want to go home before he has to leave."

The pain that flashes across Jake's face tells me immediately that Justin left.


Tears fill my eyes as I nod and lay back down, closing my eyes.

"Don't say it," I whisper as I beg my tears to stay inside.

I hear Jake stand up, and then feel him lay down next to me on this small, uncomfortable bed.

He takes my hand, being careful of my IV, and rubs it gently.

"He's spooked—He'll come back eventually," he whispers as he kisses my hair.

"He really left, huh?" I finally ask as I open my eyes and stare into his brown, sad ones.

"For now, kid," he nods.


The rest of the day I'm eating what people tell me, and learning all about this disease. That evening, my nurse comes in with the dreaded needle—This is really gonna get old.

"Dad, why don't you do this one—You and mom need to know how to help her with this," the nurse says as she hands Jake the syringe.

If Jake is nervous, he doesn't act like it. He simply stands up and takes the evil thing out of her hand. Then he comes over and lifts up my gown until my stomach is showing.

I'm seriously thankful I'm able to wear sweats under, or I'd die of humiliation.

She shows him how to disinfect the area with an alcohol pad, how to pinch the skin, and I just close my eyes.

The sting makes me shut my eyes even tighter, and I wish I was somewhere else—Anywhere else.

However, I get this sting twice a day for the rest of my life—Unless I want an insulin pump, which I don't.

Not yet, anyways.

Jake hands the syringe to the nurse, who discards it. Then he sits on the edge of my bed and takes my hand. "Does it hurt?" He asks.

"Feels like a shot in the stomach," I say with more attitude than I meant to have.

He nods as he lays back down, and continues to hold me.

I have to admit, it feels nice. I'm so completely miserable, and having Jake and Sarah here feels nice. I never want him to leave me.


When I FINALLY get discharged, I take a long shower and get in comfy clothes. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and go downstairs.

"But dad, pizza sounds good. Please?" Zoe asks.

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