~17~ Purse

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Ellie's POV

"Baby, do you have any money on you?"

Taylor smirks at me as he pulls me in close.

"How much you want, cutie?"

"Well, I was kinda sorta hoping I could do some shopping after my hair appointment. I was wanting to get you some new jeans."

"Can't you put it on the debit card?"

"Well, yeah, I could...But I want to have cash on me."


"Seriously? Since when do you question why I want cash?" I ask, getting an attitude.

"Ellie, I'm sorry, but you literally lost your purse again last month, and we had to replace everything, AGAIN. I'm sick of it. Just use the damn card."

I glare at him. "So, that's a no on the money, Chief?"

"Yeah. I'm not telling you that you can't spend any money, I'm telling you to use the debit card."

I look at him silently and then leave the room. I'm furious.

The reason I don't want to use the card is because I'm buying Taylor a new gun for his birthday. Wes picked it out for me, and apparently it's the one Taylor has been drooling over for the last two months. Taylor always looks over the bank statements, and I don't want to ruin the surprise. I have $500 already, but I'm needing the rest. I figured I could get the rest from him if I say it's for clothes.

I'm about to leave to go to my nail appointment, when I stop. This is my money too. He can't just deny me money. I'm not here to just say 'yes sir' and obey him. He can eat my shit.

I go into our bedroom and get in the safe. I don't know why I didn't think about this first! I take out the amount that I need and leave. I stuff the money in my purse and walk back out to the kitchen. He sees me, and gives me a funny look. He's not suspicious, though...He just knows I'm mad.

I leave and don't even tell him goodbye.

As I'm sitting in the chair getting my nails done, my phone lights up. It's a text from Taylor.

*next time you want to deliberately go against what I said, might wanna lock the safe back up. I'm beyond pissed.*

I roll my eyes and text back.

*it's my money too. Kiss my ass.*

A few seconds later he texts back.

*better not lose the damn purse*

The whole time I'm getting my nails done, I'm feeling guilty. I hate when Taylor is mad at me. Once I'm done I pay the girl and leave to go to the store.

I get to the gun store, tell the guy that Wes set a gun aside for me, and reach in my purse to pay for it....Only...My purse isn't here. Damn I left it in the car.

I go back to my car...And it's not there.

Shoot! I left it at the nail place.

I drive back and talk to my girl....My purse isn't there.

What in the heck did I do with my stupid purse? There's $1,000 in it and I'm panicking. Suddenly I remember...I got gas, and put my purse on top of my car when I got my card out. I drove off with my purse on top!


I hurry and get in my car, and retrace my path. My purse is no where to be found. I'm dead. I'm so completely dead. I'm going to be at the bottom of the lake as a snack for the fishies soon. I don't even want to go home.

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