~176~ Swatting Saturday

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Ellie's POV

I'm working on mounds of laundry, trying to pack for our upcoming cruise.

Packing is stressful

Lilah has been working like crazy lately, so I asked her to let me do their laundry.

"Ellie, you're already doing so much—I was gonna pull an all-nighter to get our laundry done."

"No way!" I say as I touch her hand lightly. "Go sell houses, realtor. It's Saturday, so I'll just spend the day doing it—As long as you don't care that I see your hubby's undies."

She chuckles and rolls her eyes as she grabs her files, kissing my cheek. "His undies are the least of my worries."

I laugh at her as I go into the laundry room, and stare at the disaster.

Ever seen a job that's so big, you don't know where to start? This is where I'm at right now.

Alex comes into the kitchen to get a drink, and I stop him. "Can you go into all of your rooms, and get all of your laundry?"

He smirks as he puts down his soda. "You gonna wash my intimates, El?"

"Don't be gross."

He smiles big and gets up, going upstairs.

"Nolan, can you come here please?"

Nolan comes in a moment later, and sees my laundry room. "Are you needing help with laundry?"

I smile as I kiss his cheek. "No, thanks darling. Can you go through all the pockets of your jeans, to make sure you didn't leave anything in them—Then bring them down?"

"All of my jeans are dirty—They're in this mess somewhere."

"Ugh this is a nightmare," I say as I trudge through the room to start the first load.

"I would like you and Gabby to work on cleaning the living room, please. This house is getting out of hand."

"Can't we work on separate rooms?"


"Can I take the living room, and Gabby take a different one?"

"How about you take the bathroom, and give her the living room?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

He groans. "Really?"

"Either that or the living room with Gabby—Pick."

He makes a disgusted noise as he goes to find Gabby.

After I get the first load of laundry going, and I'm trying to sort out the second, Alex drops a heaping pile of more clothes onto the floor.

"This is insane," I mutter as he kisses my cheek.

"Want me to help?"

"Absolutely not—If I remember correctly, I banned you from EVER doing my laundry again."

He laughs as he throws a dirty sock at me. "Ellie, that was forty years ago—I was just a kid!"

"You turned my favorite bra pink! I hated pink!"

"Yeah but it still looked good on you, if I remember right."

"Quit remembering my wife in a pink bra, doofus," Taylor says as he playfully pushes Alex into the pile of clothes.

"Ick! I just got Colton's dirty underwear on my face," Alex laughs, throwing the pair at Taylor.

Taylor flicks it off and back onto the floor, and I just stare at the two bozos. "Get out, ya lunatics!"

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