~8~ Huge Cluster

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Gabby's POV

Zoe and I continue eating, and I watch the people around me. One guy throws his roll at Luke's head and it bounces off his head and into a girl's lap.

The girl rolls her eyes, and calmly puts it back on the guy's plate. Then the guy that threw the roll laughs and kisses the girl on the lips.

"Sorry," he snorts as he eats some more.

I'm so confused. I can't tell who is who, and what the relationships are.

Then a guy with a little boy, comes over to one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen, and kisses her head. She beams at him, and takes the kid from the guy and kisses him. Then she fills his plate.

Ellie comes over to them, takes the kid, and brushes hair off of the pretty girl's shoulder. "You two go sit down, I'll take Drew and Jaxson and help them eat."

The pretty girl smiles, and she and the guy go over by the nutty guy who jumped on Luke's back earlier. I can't keep all of this straight.

"How long did it take you to understand this madness?" I ask Zoe.

Zoe chuckles. "A while. Basically everyone is related somehow. The only people who aren't are Wes and Megan, over there by Taylor, but they are best friends with them. Trace, the guy over there, is dating Emma, who is Luke's twin sister."

"I'm gonna need a cheat sheet," I mutter, overwhelmed. My head even hurts. This family is beyond weird.

What's even weirder, is that they all look like they're actually having fun. It doesn't look forced at all.

I look over and see Colton talking to a super hot guy. Man, the teenagers are hot here.

They're in the corner, whispering about something.

Then I see Ellie tap the guy with the pretty girl on the shoulder, and they both quietly watch Colton and cute guy.

After a minute, the guy whispers something to Ellie, and she nods.

I'll say one thing, I LOVE drama. This family seems to be oozing with it.

That's exciting.

Everyone leaves after several hours, and I notice Ellie pulling Alex to the side. They are talking about something in hushed tones, but I can't hear.

Once she leaves, Alex is looking at Colton hard.

"Was that too much for you, Gabby? We're so used to all of it, it is probably a lot for new people," he says, squeezing my shoulder.

"How many kids does Ellie have?"


"But Nolan isn't the uncle's kid?"

Alex laughs and scratches the stubble on his cheek.

"They look identical, huh? No, long story short, Nolan is also adopted. His dad is Ellie's other brother."

Man this is so confusing. How the heck does anyone follow this?

He smirks and hands me a bottle of water. "Don't worry, it won't seem confusing after a while."

I highly doubt that. This family is a cluster.

"Colton, did you and Dylan have fun tonight? You two went off on your own a lot."

"So? We always do," he snaps.

Alex's eyes widen. "What's with the attitude?"

"I don't have one. I just don't understand why you're giving me the third degree."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now