~38~ Lasagna

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Ellie's POV

Once Trace and Emma leave, we start picking up the reception. We're going to be here all night.

Megan comes up to me and hugs me tight. "Man I hope my boy treats your girl right," she sniffs.

"He will," I say as I kiss her cheek.

"What do you say, sister. Should we start bossing everyone around?" I smirk.

She smiles. "Go for it," she chuckles as she goes to help Lilah take the glasses off the tables.

I start ordering my crew around, and they do as I say.

My dad and Justin walk up to me, and my dad pulls me into a hug. "That was one of the prettiest weddings I've ever been to, baby girl," he smirks as he kisses my head.

I smile. "What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"We thought we would stay a few days if that's ok. I know you don't go back to work for a bit."


"What's wrong?"

"Er, nothing. You're staying?"

Dad gives me a hard look. "I'm not invited to stay?" He asks, raising his voice.

Taylor and Jake walk up, hearing his tone.

"What's wrong, Ellie?" Taylor asks.

"Nothing's wrong. My daughter doesn't act like she wants her dad and brother to stay a few extra days," dad spits.

"No it's fine, I was just surprised," I say, schooling my face. It's not fine...It's not fine at all. Nolan has been ignoring Justin like the plague.

Justin clears his throat. "Jake, I had no idea you and Emma were so close," he says in a funny tone.

"There's a lot you don't know, Justin," Jake snaps.

Justin says nothing as he discreetly watches Nolan and Ethan goofing around. His face is weird, and I can't figure out why.

Nolan and Ethan come up then, and Nolan doesn't even glance at Justin.

"Mom, can I stay the night with Ethan?"

I look at Jake and he silently nods.

Before I answer, I look at dad. "Which house are you staying at tonight?"

"We figured yours."

I say nothing as I look back at Nolan. "That's fine, buddy. Keep picking up, k?"

"K" he says as he and Ethan go back to cleaning.

"What was that for?" Justin snaps.

"What was what for?"

"He can't be where I am?"

Taylor speaks for me. "Seriously? You're going to act offended? The kid had to watch you sign away your rights to him. I will NEVER force him to be around you if he doesn't want to be. Just be thankful I'm allowing you to sleep in my home tonight."

Justin glares at Taylor for a minute, but wisely says nothing.

"Get to work moving chairs, Justin," I finally say.

Justin looks at me and rolls his eyes. "You've been bossy since yesterday. Knock it off, Eleanor."

Jake chuckles and kisses my head. "You really know nothing anymore, Justin. The correct response to this little tyrant is ALWAYS 'yes ma'am'," he says as he goes to take down tables.

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