~168~ Hearing

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Trigger Warning

Ellie's POV

That weekend, Taylor and I go car shopping. When we get to the dealership, I groan.

I've been dreading this all week.

I decided I wanted another big car, because I love having all the extra space, especially when traveling.

"Ok, Ellie. I went online and found several. How about this GMC? It's even got a sunroof."

"No," I say as I shake my head.

"Why not?"

"Cause it's red. When I was a teenager I had a red car, and I always got tickets."

Taylor smirks. "Maybe it had less to do with the color, and more to do with the driver who sped."

"It's a known fact that red cars draw attention. Look it up."

He sighs and scratches his cheek. "This is gonna be a long day," he mutters.

A long day it was. By the time I picked out my car, I had worn out my hubby, and made our sales guy work hard for his commission.

I don't even know the make and model of the thing—All I know is that it's got third row seating, a sunroof, heated seats, a backup camera, AND it hooks up to Bluetooth—My old one sure didn't do that!

Oh, and in case you're wondering, the color is baby blue—I already have 4 nail polishes at home, waiting for me.

As we're signing all of the paperwork, Taylor leans over to me. "Can I make you a deal?"

"Sure," I say as I look at him.

"Every time you scratch this car, tell me and I'll take care of it. Please don't put nail polish on this one."

"Can't make no promises, Chief. If you only KNEW the amount of polish that was on the old one, you'd take away my license."

The look of complete horror on Taylor's face proves that I should've just agreed, but crossed my fingers behind my back secretly.

By the time we drive the new car out of the lot, I'm actually excited. It's super cool, and I'm feeling good about it. Jake had driven us to the place, because Taylor refused to let me drive Mary, and I refused to drive my new car—Flashbacks from a few days ago and whatnot.

Taylor drives to an empty lot, and gets out.

"Ok, Ellie Jane. This one drives a lot like your old one. Get in and we'll get your seat and everything adjusted."

By the time he helps me move things up, down, and all around, I'm ready to drive my car.

Ok, I take it back. It's not just super cool. IT'S REALLY FREAKING AWESOME! I just KNOW that the backup camera is gonna save me a lot of touch ups.

Taylor is so confident in my drive around the lot, that he nods. "Take us home, wife!"

"You sure?"

He nods again. "You're going to have to drive it eventually, and I'd rather the first time you did was with me. Lotta good it's really gonna do, but I like to pretend."

I drive us home, very well might I add, and I'm feeling even more pumped than before.

This car is spectacular.


It's a long week of Taylor being tense. His hearing is today, and I've taken off of work. We've always been careful with our real money. We have always budgeted and planned—But Taylor's dad's money was fun money that we used to give us a break from real life, as well as ensure our kids were taken care of.

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