~105~ Uneven Numbers

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🔥🔥🔥Mature Rating🔥🔥🔥

Ok, I'm warning ya now!!!!!!! NiteFuriosa is a mega Ellie and Taylor fan, and has been wanting this for forever...So, I'm dedicating this smut chapter to her. This is definitely the most graphic one I've ever done, so prepare yo-selves!

Here's the deal, boys and girls. Fight me if you want, but in my imagination, Ellie and Taylor are young and in their 30s. Just cause the silly math makes them older, doesn't mean that's how I see them.....I see them as magical creatures who just simply don't age🤷🏻‍♀️

If their age completely freaks you out, ya may wanna skip this chapter...because who wants to think about our parents doing the nasty, right?

However, if you are delusional like me, and still pretend they're 30, then please join me in this one and only smut chapter of them.

Seriously, just pretend they're 30🤣🤣

Ellie's POV

I know my brother well enough to know that he's completely miserable, and his arm is throbbing. He isn't going to say a word about it, though.

Sarah got him some ice, and he's silently watching the game, while licking his wound. I reach over and hand him some Tylenol silently, and give him a sad smile.

He takes it, and then nods at Taylor. "If either of my two mess up this trip, they're all yours. I'm officially injured and off spanking detail."

Taylor raises his eyebrows and chuckles. "That's convenient. How long ya think till you're healed and can resume the task yourself?"

"Oh.....I'd say I'll be in tip-top shape in about 6 years or so."

"So around the time Zoe graduates?"

"It ain't my fault it'll just work out like that. Lucky for me the numbers are in my favor."

Taylor laughs with my bonehead brother, and we finish watching the rest of this boring game.

I agree with Zoe. The museum was much more fun, and it's not dangerous like baseball.


Once we get back to the hotel, it's already 11 pm. "Can we swim?" Nolan asks.

"Buddy, let's do it tomorrow.  You're cranky when you're tired, lest we forget the infamous spoon incident," Taylor says, kissing his head.

"Definitely haven't forgotten," Nolan mutters as he kisses me goodnight.

"Night," Jake says as he kisses my cheek and claps Taylor on the back.

Once we get to our room, Taylor grins his stupid, sexy grin, and walks over to me slowly.

"We're alone....in a hotel room....for the entire night," he says as he gently cups the back of my head with his hand, and bends down to kiss my lips.

"Yup! And I'm going to bed and enjoying myself!" I grin.

His brow furrows. "With me?"

"I mean, yeah....you always sleep next to me."

"Eleanor Jane, are you really just gonna go to bed?"


He closes his eyes for a moment, and then nods. He kisses my cheek and smiles at me. "Ok. Night baby."

"You ain't gonna fight for me?" I grin.

Hope flickers on his face again. "Since when have I ever pressured you to sleep with me?"

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now