~37~ Wedding Night

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Hi guys! Ok, so this chapter is going to be a little different...

I'm putting a "Mature" rating on here. I thought it would be fun to have a spicy wedding night chapter. I have always kept these books as PG-13 as I can. So, if you are under 18, I obviously won't tell you not to read it...You can do what you want...BUT if you are under 18 and feel like you shouldn't read it, or if this kind of content isn't your thing, just skip this chapter. You won't miss anything important...Trace and Emma are going to have sex, you're caught up ❤️

Also, I took nitefuriosa's advice, and you're  going to get a tiny glimpse into Trace's mind for a small part...I'm not saying I will NEVER add him to the POV list, but as of now, I have no plans on making this a reoccurring thing.

If you want to continue on, read this at your own discretion. 😘

Emma's POV

We leave the reception and get in Trace's car. We have a hotel booked for tonight in town, and then we catch a flight tomorrow morning. Our parents both went in and got us a week at a resort in California. We're so excited.

We drive in silence for a couple minutes. I'm already feeling nervous. I already have a pit in my stomach for what's to come.

Trace finally grabs my hand. "This has been the best day of my life," he says as he kisses my hand.

"Mine too," I smile.

We get to the hotel and Trace checks us in while I wait in the car. I'm still in my wedding dress, and I don't want the stares from other guests as we wait for our room. A wedding dress and a hotel room only means one thing....someone's having sex tonight.

He comes back out and grabs our bags, and smiles as he takes my hand. "Ready, Mrs. Greene?" He asks me.

I nod. That's going to take some getting used to.

We go through the back and go up the elevator. When we get to our room, I freeze. Are we supposed to have sex now? Do I change into pajamas? The lingerie Sasha helped me buy? I don't know what to do.

Trace shuts the door and grabs my hands. He bends down and kisses my hair. "Don't be nervous, Emmy. We can go as slow as you want tonight, k?"

I just nod.



"I've been a nervous wreck all day, and I've barely eaten. I'm so freaking hungry. Can we order a pizza?"

I look at him and laugh. "You don't want to jump right to sex?" I ask, shocked.

He smirks and shakes his head. "No. I'm seriously hungry."

I breathe a sigh of relief. I'm hungry too.

He gets on his phone and orders pizza from downstairs.

"15 minutes," he grins.

I nod. Now what? Do I sit here in my dress? Do I put on sweats? Do people wear sweats on their wedding night? Man I should have asked mom this stuff.

He can see my internal dilemma and smiles. "I'm going to change out of my tux if that's ok. This thing is uncomfortable. Need help unbuttoning anything?"

I smile as I nod and turn around. He silently finds all the buttons and zippers, and once he's got everything undone, he goes into the bathroom with his bag of stuff to get dressed.

When I look through my stuff, I panic. What do I put on? Lingerie or sweats? Crap! I don't have much longer before he comes out. Ahhhh!

I decide on leggings and a sweatshirt. We're going to eat pizza first, and I....who eats pizza in lingerie? Right? Gah I'm so nervous. What if he comes out in like, a man-thong or something? Man this is nerve-wracking.

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