~198~ Bookstore

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Zoe's POV

"Let's check your numbers real quick before you go for a run," dad says as he walks up to Raya.

Raya rolls her eyes and takes the meter, pricking her finger. She all but throws the meter at dad, not waiting for the read.

"K, see ya," she says as she goes to put on her shoes.

"Hold it," he says as he waits for the number to pop up on the screen.

"Jake, I just checked it earlier and I was fine—Come on!"

"No beautiful number, no run."

"You seriously annoy me," she grumbles.

"150–Once you exercise, that number should lower...So THAT my girl is a beautiful number—Go run."

She rubs her finger as she nods and leaves.

"Shit," he mumbles as he rushes for the door.

"Have your phone?!?"

"Yeah!" I hear her yell.

Dad shuts the door and walks over to me. "I have the whole day off, Zo Zo. Wanna hang with your
daddy-oh today?"

"I wanted to see if Gabby could hang out."

"Ellie told me that she got herself grounded for two weeks."

"Ah man!" I pout. There goes my next two weeks. I feel like I just got grounded too.

"You and I could do something if you want."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. That new bookstore opened up at the mall if you wanna go check it out."

"You'd spend your day off at the bookstore?"

"I'd spend my day off with you," he grins as he kisses my head.

"Dad, can I go to Nolan's?" Ethan asks, coming down the stairs.

"Go for it," he nods.

"K. See ya!"

"What'd ya say, Zo—Wanna go to the bookstore?"

"Can I buy a book?"

"Nope. I thought we'd try a cool trick of just smelling them. Catchin' all the word flavors."

I laugh and get my shoes. "Is Raya gonna come?" I ask with dread in my stomach. I like her, I really do—But if she comes, she and dad will spend all the time in the sports section of the store, and I'll have to browse all on my own.

"Oh shit—Mom isn't home. Uh.....Hold that thought," he says as he gets on his phone.

"Hey Ray. Zoe and I are gonna go to the bookstore. Want us to wait on you? You sure? Ok, see you in a bit kid."

"Let's rock and roll!" He says as he swats my butt playfully and kisses my cheek.


We get to the bookstore, and dad buys me a fancy coffee drink. He and I spend over an hour, looking at every nook and cranny of this store. It's magnificent.

By the time I get to the science section, I'm drooling.

"Dad, this was listed as one of the best books about science this year," I say as I stare at the copy of 'The Doctors Blackwell.'

Dad looks at it and nods. "It's yours if you want it."

"I want it," I grin as I hug it tight to my chest.

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