~66~ Run Faster

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Liam's POV

We put the toddlers down a couple hours ago, and then Mason and I joined everyone back at the fire, while Nora and Sasha went to bed. Once everyone else went to bed for the night, Mason and I went in the RV to drink some beer and watch some TV.

How many grownups actually get to have a slumber party and it be cool? Not often, so we're taking advantage of it.

"This has been fun so far," Mason says as he takes a drink of his beer.

"I know, and I'm pumped. I like the beach too, but this is a nice change of pace."

Mason nods as he flips the channel. "Your mom is taking it better than I thought."

I snort as I swirl my beer around. "It's the first day. Give her time."

As I'm saying this, I see something out the window.

"What the hell?" I say as I wait until my eyes adjust.

"Where are they going?" Mason asks, seeing what I do.

My face must flash horror, because Mason laughs so loudly, he has to cover his mouth.

"PLEASE tell me that my mom and step dad are NOT about to do what I think they are."

"Have sex in the woods? Oh yeah dude, they are," Mason cackles as he takes another drink.

"Ugh," I groan as I put my head on the table.

"You know how disturbing this is for me? Like, I kinda want to puke in my mouth a little."

Mason shrugs. "I think it's kinda cool that they still love each other so much. I want to be them at their age."

"It's not cool, it's disgusting."

"Well, I walked in on them once. Now THAT was disgusting."

"You didn't!" I gasp in horror. I can't believe he didn't claw his own eyes out. I sure woulda.

"Yup" he says as he takes another drink. "It was after a field trip I took Emma, Luke, and Trace on. Thankfully I walked in first. Could you imagine if one of them would have seen it? Talk about scarring someone for life."

"PLEASE tell me you did NOT see my mother naked."

"No, thank heavens. They had a blanket over them. I got out of there quick and took everyone to Olive Garden."

"Seriously gross," I say as I eat some chips.

Mason nods as he looks down, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"What are you smiling at, bonehead?"

"The mosquitos are bad tonight."

I laugh so loudly, I start choking. Holy crap, mom is going to be miserable tomorrow. "Ahhh! How am
I going to be able to pretend like I don't know? It's too much. TOO MUCH!"

"Hopefully Taylor is quick, cause otherwise they're going to be cranky the rest of the trip." I cackle as I eat some more chips.

45 minutes later and those two lovebirds finally walk back, Taylor giving mom a piggyback ride.

"Damn. They might be old, but he's got me beat," Mason laughs.

"Do you know how many more beers I'm gunna need to get this night out of my brain?" I grumble as I close my eyes. No kid needs to know a single thing about his parents sex life. Nothing. For all we need to know, the stork brought us and our parents don't even kiss.

What a blissful world that would be.

"Well, after such a disturbing evening, I'm going to go to bed and pretend like this never happened."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now