~20~ Secret

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Ellie's POV

I'm laying in bed, cuddling with Taylor.

"On a scale of, 'you really irritate me', to, 'I'm completely in love with you', where am I falling right now?" I ask him with a smirk.

He chuckles and sits up, grabbing my hands. "Ellie Jane, earlier, you were on the lower end of that scale."

"And now?"

"You're at the top. I'm completely in love with you. What are you wanting from me?"

"A back rub," I smirk.

"Sorry. Can't. Someone clocked me in the jaw this afternoon, and I'm hurting too bad."

"You're a baby, Chief," I pout.

He scoffs. "A baby? Ellie Jane, do you know how scrappy you are? That hurt like hell."

*baby* I cough into my hand.

He raises his eyebrows as he gets a mischievous grin. "You know, I still think you deserve to be spanked," he says with a twinkle in his eye.

"Don't you dare," I say as he quickly grabs me by the wrist and pulls me over his lap.

Unfortunately for me, I'm only in a nightgown. He gets me situated, and pulls my nightgown up, exposing my underwear.

"Nope, this won't do," he tsks as he swiftly pulls my underwear down.

"Taylor, stop it," I wiggle, trying to get out of his death grip.

"We never did it to the kids, but Ellie Jane, I've seen this cute tushy before," he says as he gently rubs my butt.

"Do not do it," I say sternly, still trying to wriggle.

"I have to show you how manly I am," he says as he smacks me sharply on my right butt cheek.

"By hitting me?"

He chuckles as he gently caresses my butt. "Nope. By swatting your naughty behind," he says as he delivers another slap to my upturned butt.

"Taylor, this is so NOT sexy. This is not some '50 shades of gray' bullshit. Let me up."

"I disagree. Anytime I can see your naked bum, it's sexy."

I let out an annoyed noise. "I just asked for a damn back rub."

"What dirty language," he says as he smacks me sharply again.

"Ouch. I mean it. You're pissing me off."

He chuckles as he slaps me a fourth time. I've finally had enough and I go to grab his manhood.

He immediately cackles as he lets me go and shields himself.

"It's a turn on for some people," he smiles as I pull up my underwear.

"Well, not for me. I wanted a back rub....Now that's a turn on."

"Well turn around, Ellie Jane... let's get your back rubbed."

I chuckle as I lean into him and he starts working the knots out of my back. It feels good. All the stress of today did a number on my aching muscles.

"Ellie, on a scale of 'you kinda irritate me' to 'I'm completely in love with you' where do I fall right now?"

I laugh. "A few minutes ago...'you kinda irritate me.'

"And now?" He smirks, kissing my neck.

"I'm completely in love with you."

"Well, what are we waiting for woman? Let's get in some more romancin'!" He says as he turns me over and kisses me deeply.

The next morning we're up and ready before Nolan even gets out of bed.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now