~178~ Be There At 8

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Raya's POV

This is the first time in my life that I've ever done anything like this, and I'm excited. The cabin we got isn't huge, but it's big enough for all of us to sleep in. Jake and Sarah are in a room, and then there's two beds in another room. I offered to sleep on the couch, but Jake refused.

"No, Raya. When Ethan is with Ellie, you can have his bed. Otherwise, you and Zoe will share."

"But what about Gabby? She wants to stay with Zoe too, and I don't want to make her feel left out."

"Raya, you're MY daughter, and YOU come first. If Gabby wants to sleep here, she can take the couch. Otherwise, she can take the bed in her own cabin. This couch doesn't pull out into a sleeper sofa, it's just a couch—You get a bed. Hear me?"

"I'm not your daughter," I mumble as I put my suitcase on my bed. I hate making people feel left out. I hate making people feel bad. I would literally rather take the couch to avoid her feelings getting hurt.

Jake is staring at me as I look in my bag for my charger. Once I find it and make eye contact with him, his face looks funny, but I can't tell what he's thinking.

"You're not my daughter legally yet, I'll give you that. But you ARE my daughter—Don't say that to me again."

"I just don't understand why it's any concern of yours where I sleep. Just let Gabby take the bed—She already called it."

"She called it?"


"Called it what?"


"What did she call it, Fred the bed?"

"Why are you acting dumb?"

He raises his eyebrows, and he actually looks like he's getting mad at me. Suddenly Zoe and Gabby walk in with Ethan and Nolan.

"What's wrong?" Zoe asks once she sees our standoff.

Jake keeps staring at me, and then takes a big breath.

"I see you, Raya. You're just as much a part of this family as anyone else, and you're not getting shunned to the couch whenever you don't think there's room for you—There's ALWAYS room for you."

I'm actually stunned into silence. I misunderstood his face—He's not mad at me, he's mad that I don't think I'm apart of this family.

I think I'm really starting to like him

"So we're at a stalemate then, huh?" I ask as I cross my arms.

"Not at all—Our bed in there is a king, and you can all three fit in that one. Sarah and I will take this bed out here by the boys. I actually think I like that arrangement better."

"Me too," I hear Nolan mutter softly to Ethan.

Jake finally breaks eye contact with me and looks at Nolan, raising one eyebrow. "Cool it. The moment you and Gabby start bickering, you're both going back to your parents. I'm not having it this week, or I'll spank the both of you myself. Got me you two?"

"Yeah," they both say at the same time.

"Will that compromise work, Raya?" He asks, turning back to me.

"I guess."

He nods and then looks at Gabby. "Gabby, don't name my beds again—I like to do that myself."

"What?" She asks, completely confused.

It catches me by surprise, and I chuckle a little. Jake looks at me and smirks, rolling his eyes. "Ok, you guys. Let's go vacation."

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