~19~ It's Too Hard!

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Josie's POV

Today at school, I'm in a bad mood. I started my period, and I'm feeling lousy. When I get into Mason's class, I am NOT in the mood for his boring lecture.

I sit down at my desk and start talking to Izzy. Mason looks over at me and smiles, but I ignore him. I HATE having my brother as a teacher. If I have to hear one more time how hot my brother is, I swear imma' go postal.

Izzy and I are talking, and ignoring Mason starting his lecture. Finally I can tell he's had enough.

"Jocelyn and Isabelle...That's enough."

Izzy quits talking immediately, but I glare at Mason. He's bugging me.

"Problem?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

"Mason, you're boring," I snap.

I hear chuckles from several people, none of which are from Mason. He's not amused. He starts to say something, when Sasha peeks her head in. Man I really like her now. That was a very convenient time to visit. I look over, and see Taylor and another old guy with her...No idea who he is.

Mason leaves, and when he finally comes back, he actually looks like he's in a better mood.


He gives me another look, and then starts his lecture. My cramps are bugging me, so I put my head down and close my eyes. A few minutes later, I hear a tap on my desk.

I look up, and my brother is crouched down and staring at me hard.

"You feeling ok?" He asks me softly.

I just nod.

"Then you best lift your head up and start paying attention. Last warning."

"I hate this stupid class," I spit, as I sit up and lean back in my chair, not happy.

He says nothing else as he wordlessly goes back to the front and continues his long-winded spiel on the Revolutionary War.

I say nothing to him as I leave, but he glares at me. "Come straight home," he says simply.

I groan. I'm officially in trouble. Izzy and I were supposed to go to the mall and he knew that.

Izzy drives me home, and when I get there, I see Mason and Sasha over at the neighbors.

"Did mommy and daddy leave you in here?" I ask, kissing Drew on the head.

"Yup, but I'm big, Josie. See? I'm being good and coloring," Drew says, proud of himself.

I chuckle as I go to the pantry.

"Want a snack?"

"Does it have to be veggies?" He asks, crinkling his nose.

"Heck no! Want a cookie?"

"Josie, don't you know me?"

I laugh out loud and grab some Oreos. Then I get us some milk and hand him two cookies and the cup.

He grins at me as he takes a bite, dribbling cookie crumbs down the front of him.

Sasha and Mason come back in, and grin at Drew. "Did Josie sneak you some cookies?" Mason asks, kissing his head.

"She wasn't sneaky. Am I in trouble?"

Mason shakes his head. "No. As long as I can have a bite."

Drew puts one of his cookies in Mason's mouth, and Mason grins as he takes a bite out of it.

"Much better than celery, huh?" Drew smirks.

"Yup! Don't tell mommy, though," Mason fake-whispers.

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