~65~ Lets Wake Some Birds

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Ellie's POV

After driving for forever, we finally make it to Yellowstone. The ONLY thing I'm excited to see is Old Faithful. Taylor and I went with Liam once when we were dating, and it was beautiful.

He knew better than to drag me camping, though. That was back when he still loved me and we stayed in an inn. He apparently doesn't love me as much anymore.

Once we get to our campsite, and the men spend a year getting the tents pitched and the RV's hooked to the water and sewer lines, we decide to go hiking.

I don't mind hiking, but we're in the middle of Yellowstone. There's bears everywhere.

"Ready to have some fun, Ellie Jane?" Taylor asks as he grabs my hand.

"Never thought getting eaten by a bear sounded like fun, Taylor."

He rolls his eyes and brings me in close, whispering in my ear. "I'm going to get pissed if you don't stop. We have ALWAYS done what you ladies wanted to do. We've always made the best out of it. We're all together, probably for the last time for a while. This is Dylan's last summer at home for sure. Next year he could be in another country for all we know. Do NOT ruin this for everybody."

I look up at him and nod, feeling like a chump. He's right, and I know it.

We walk for several hours, and it really is beautiful. The twins sleep peacefully, being carried in those cool backpack carriers they have for kids now. Mason and Liam each have a twin, and Liam is even carrying Charlotte's oxygen tank while hiking. The strength of my boy brings tears to my eyes. I'm not even talking about physical strength.

He's carried this whole process on his shoulders, never once giving up and folding. Alex, Taylor, and I raised an amazing man.

The twins will be turning one in just a couple weeks, and the news of Charlotte is getting more grim. The doctors don't think her heart can keep her alive until she's two anymore. She isn't doing as well as they expected. If she doesn't get a heart soon.......

We don't even let our minds go there.

Lizzie is a ball of energy, just like Jaxson. However, she's fiercely protective over Charlotte, and she's always careful when she's around her.

Lizzie is already walking, Charlotte isn't. That doesn't stop her from crawling around and trying not to get tangled up in her cords. Nothing keeps that little girl down.


Once we finish our hike, the men decide they want to fish.

That's lovely.

I sit on the bank with Zoe and Izzy. Us "non fishers" have got to stick together. I watch as Mason and Liam get worms on the hooks for Drew and Jax, and help them cast. It's adorable watching those two stand as still as they can, begging the bobber to bob.

I watch as Gabby tries to fish, but she's disgusted by the worm. Nolan thinks it's hysterical, and starts to dangle the worm in her face. Without even looking at me to see my "mom face" he stops what he's doing and baits it for her. I'm impressed. Luke and Liam both would have continued to harass the girls until someone put a stop to it.

When it's time to eat, Taylor, Wes, and Jake clean the fish, while Alex cooks potatoes on the campfire.

Guess I'm just eating potatoes.

While we're all sitting around the fire, and everyone is enjoying their fish, I gag. Seriously! Those poor things were just swimming in that lake an hour or two ago, and now they're eating them. How disgusting can a person be?

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