~166~ He's Never Hurt Me

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Ellie's POV

I ignore him as the guy continues working on my cast, acting like he doesn't feel completely awkward with the obvious fight Taylor and I are in.

I sure do, and I'm in this whole mess.

Taylor sighs as he sits next to me quietly, taking my hand that isn't hurt and holding it.

I take my hand out of his, and ignore the burning stare he's sending me.

"We have your prescription going to the Walgreens in Trinidad, right?" The guy asks, trying to break the horrible tension.


"What prescription?" Taylor asks.

I ignore him, and the man does too.

"She's giving me the silent treatment, but you sure as hell aren't. What prescription?"

"Sorry sir—She's the patient, and she's coherent. I'm not legally authorized to give you her medical records."

"Like hell you're not! I'm her husband!"

"Fantastic! Then if she wants you to know, she'll tell you. Ma'am, do you feel safe going home with him? I can call the authorities if you'd like."

"Too bad 'the authorities' is sleeping in my guest room right now," Taylor snaps, about to go off on this poor guy.


I feel Taylor stiffen, and I know he's about to explode.

"It's just pain pills," I say to Taylor.

"I'm fine," I say to the guy. "It's just been a really bad day. He's never hurt me before."

The guys nods, but isn't completely convinced, as he finishes my cast. When he's done, he tells me a whole bunch of stuff that I already know.

No driving while I'm on these pills...all the side effects to look out for...don't get my cast wet....

Blah blah blah. I just wanna go home!

When we leave the room, Alex is still in the waiting room. "I didn't know if I should leave or stay—I didn't want to abandon you."

I nod, wanting desperately to ride with Alex.

"Please ride with me, Ellie. We'll go get your pills," Taylor says softly.

Even though I don't want to at all, I simply nod. One of us needs to be the adult today.

Alex kisses my cheek and leaves the hospital, and Taylor and I walk silently out to Mary.

When he starts to drive, he looks over at me.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"


"Eleanor—If you're lying...."

"Just leave me alone, Taylor."

The rest of the way to the drugstore is silent, and he pulls in the drive-through and gets my stuff.


When we get home, Alex and Lilah are in the kitchen, talking quietly.

"Taylor......" Lilah starts.

"Shut up," he says without even looking at her.

Alex grabs her hand and shakes his head. "This isn't our business. Let's go to bed."

"At 9 pm?"

"Please?" He asks in a quiet voice.

"I have so much I wanna say," she says in a bummed tone.

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