~174~ Relax

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Raya's POV

A knock on my bedroom door brings me out of my inward panic attack.

"Come in"

My door opens, and Jake is standing in the doorway, giving me a funny look.

"I'm almost ready," I say as I brush my hair once more, trying to decide if I should put it in my standard ponytail, or try and be more girly for my first day.

"We aren't rushing," he says as he shuts my door and sits on my bed.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask, trying to decide why he's here. I haven't done anything to get in trouble yet while I'm here, and now I'm trying SUPER hard since I know that these people actually discipline.

Thankfully Zoe and Ethan haven't gotten in trouble either, so I haven't had to listen to any punishments.

"Uh, no—I just came up here to talk."

"Oh," I say as I put my brush down and turn around, looking at him.

"You nervous?" He asks with a sad look on his face.


"Are you sure we can't go early, and I'll show you where all of your classes are?"

"I don't need you to hold my hand, Jake—I'm fine."

He nods and stares at me again.

"Raya....can I give you a hug?"


"You just look like you're about to puke, and I just really wanna give you a hug, and tell you that you're gonna kick this day's ass. Will you let me?"

I'm quiet for a minute—Jake has never hugged or kissed me before. He's never touched me at all. He always makes sure he gives me space if we're sitting on the same couch.

Come to think of it, this is the first time he's ever come into my room and shut the door—He always leaves it open.

"I guess," I say, feeling butterflies in my stomach. This scary looking dude wants to hug me?

He gets off the bed and walks over to me, gently wrapping his arms around me and pulling me tight to his chest.

Man this guy has hard pecks

He softly rubs his hand up and down my arm, and then quickly kisses my hair. "You're gonna kick this day's ass," he whispers in my ear, and then rests his chin on my head for a moment.

After another moment, he lets me go. I'm surprisingly disappointed he already let go—It wasn't as weird as I was expecting.

It actually felt safe—Like my anxiety was at bay for just a moment.

I give him my best smile, and then turn around to put my hair in a ponytail. I'm a tomboy, and that's what it is—Better for everyone to know that now.

"You look beautiful, kid. Got everything?" He asks.

"Think so"

We walk downstairs, and Sarah gives me a hug and her soft smile. "We have something for you, little lady," she grins as she hands me a bag.

When I open it, I see a new phone.

Jake smirks at my surprised expression. "Yours was so outdated, I figured you could use a new one."

"Thank you," I say as I turn it on and see that they already transferred all of my stuff over.

"When did you......."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now