~54~ Keep Him In Your Corner

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Gabby's POV

A few minutes after Taylor goes outside, Ellie comes in, putting bags down on the table.

"Hey Girlie!" She says, smiling at me as she goes to cut herself her own piece of cake.

"Hi" I smile back. I really like her.

"Where's Taylor?"

"In the garage," I say as I put my plate in the dishwasher and sit back down at the table. Lilah is showing houses right now and Alex is still at work.
Colton is at a group thing for his gambling problem, and I don't like being home alone.

Taylor must have seen her pull up, because he comes in, smiles big at her, and wraps her up in a hug.

It's so weird to me that when these two are together, you almost feel left out. Like, their love is so strong that you're a little sad you're not apart of it.

"Have a good day, Ellie Jane?"

"I did, stud. You?"

"Better now that you're here. Looks like you broke the bank. What did you buy?"

"I got you some much needed undies," she smirks.

"Oh great. Tell me you got me the boxers I like instead of those horrible ones like last time! I chaffed so bad."

I'm not sure what chaffed means, but it sounds disgusting.

Ellie laughs as she throws him the package of underwear. He looks at them, nods in approval, and puts them back in the bag.

"Where's Nolan? He's going to need to leave soon."

"Got himself grounded," Taylor says, rolling his eyes in disgust.

"What on earth did he do? I've only been gone an hour!"

Taylor tells her what happened, and her face is one I don't like. She IMMEDIATELY knows I lied and I know that I'm in huge trouble.

"That kid is nice to everyone," she says, crossing her arms.

"Apparently he's like Luke. Only nice to his friends."

She shakes her head in disgust. "Taylor Reed Preston, you better not actually be arguing with me right now. I work at the school. I see him interacting with people every day. Teachers praise me on such a fantastic kid. She was sitting with him at lunch today."

Blood drains from my face. How could she know that? She doesn't have the same lunch as us.

Taylor immediately turns and looks at me.

"You would lie to me when Ellie has the same lunch as you?"

"She doesn't...She's just making stuff up. I was sitting with Zoe at our table."

Ellie laughs darkly and looks at me. "My favorite lunch lady is going on maternity leave, and today was her last day. McKenna and I were going to go out for lunch, so I wanted to take her the present I got beforehand so I wouldn't miss her. I saw you walk up to him, and I saw him immediately scoot over to make room for you."

Taylor's face is so livid, I'm actually worried. Like, I want to crawl under a rock I'm so nervous.

Ellie goes over to the steps and yells for Nolan.

A minute later Nolan comes down, looking upset.

"Already cancel on that party?" She asks in a stern voice.

"Yes ma'am"

"Text her back and tell her I'll take you after you explain yourself."

"What?" He asks, still only looking at Ellie.

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