~80~ It Happened Again!

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So, here's the thing. I know I've dropped it to one update a day, but you guys...You're always so awesome to me. I had a lot of extra time this morning, so I'm giving you a bonus today! I can't commit to always giving bonus chapters, but take this one today, and enjoy it. Thank you for all the love, all the time❤️



Ellie's POV

The next morning I wake up, and Wes is still asleep. I'm still beyond hungry, but heaven forbid I do anything about it.

I grab some chips and crackers that I bought last night before The Battle Of The Stubborns happened, and the soda that wasn't killed, and go out to the balcony.

As I'm eating, I hear the door slide open. I don't even look up. I can almost feel the aura surrounding him: Pissed

"Let's go get some food."

I don't even look at him as I hold up my bag of chips. "I'm good, thanks."

"Ellie, come on. I'm starving and I can't leave you in the room by yourself."

I sigh as I stand up and follow him. Although I want to act like a child, I can't. He's doing all of this for me.

We walk in awkward silence all the way to the lobby. Once we're there, the girl from last night is still working.

"Did you sleep well?" She asks, staring only at me.

"I did. Thank you," I grin.

She's really looking me over hard. I can only assume that she's checking for bruising. Wes notices too, and he grabs my hand and kisses my head. "Come on, sleepyhead. Let's get you some food."

The girl still isn't convinced at all, but she says nothing as we walk past and go to the food.

We get our plates and sit down at a table. We eat in complete silence. After a moment, Wes curses under his breath.

"Give me your hand," he says darkly.


"We're totally on that girl's radar now, thanks to your stunt last night. She's talking to her manager. I'm gonna have to kiss you, Ellie."

"Like hell you are."

He raises his eyebrows. "Really want them to call the cops right now, realize our names are fake, and bring even more attention to ourselves?"

I sigh and feel like I could cry: apparently kissing Wes Greene wasn't a one-time thing. Someone shoot me.

He smiles a sickeningly stupid smile and brushes my cheek with his finger. I start playing the damn part, and before I know it, he's leaning over the table and kissing me softly.

Gag me with a freaking spoon. This isn't sexy, folks. It feels like what I can only imagine kissing Jake would be like. I kinda want to vomit in my mouth.

I return the stupid kiss, and after a moment, he pulls away.

"Sorry, still gross," he mutters as he goes back to his food.

A moment later he nods. "It worked. They're not watching us anymore."

Big freaking whoop. If Ben doesn't kill me, the memory of this will haunt me forever...Not sure which is worse.

Once we're done eating, we go back upstairs.

If I thought earlier was awkward, it's NOTHING compared to what it is now.

I start making my bed, and he goes to take a shower. While he's in the shower, I make up his bed too and turn it back into a couch. When he comes out, I go in and take my shower.

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