~167~ Identity

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Guys! I'm actually able to give you a bonus today 😭😭😭 for two reasons...This chapter is shorter than most of my other ones. Also, I got a lot of time to write the last few days, and I have chapters through next week done already......So, I hope you enjoy a rare bonus 😘

Ellie's POV

"I don't know, Taylor. For being such an amazing guy, you can sure be a doofus sometimes."

He looks at me for a moment, and then silently nods.

"I know"

"What's going on with you? You've been really weird the last week or so."

He looks up from the table, and I see it on his face.

He's hiding something from me.

"Nothing you need to worry about. I'll take care of it."

"It's funny how you forget who you're talking to. As of now, I'm seeing a controlling asshole. An asshole who just got rid of the best car I've ever had, and forced me to do something I wasn't comfortable with—Make me see someone else."

I see his chin quiver slightly, but no tears fill his eyes.

Something is really really wrong.

"I might lose my job," he says as he stares at the table so hard, I'm waiting for it to blow up.

"Come again?"

He sighs and looks at me once more.

"I've really pissed off the Commissioner. I don't take her shit, and I don't let her shit on my men....Long story short, she's in love with Liam, and last week I got sick of her making my kid feel so uncomfortable all the damn time. I spoke with her, and said that if she didn't leave him alone, I would be filing a complaint of sexual harassment in the workplace."

"How does the equate to you losing your job?!?!"

"She beat me to it, and instead she flipped it on me. She's now filed a sexual harassment suit against me."


He nods and looks down at the table again. "It's her word against mine. I have no proof that I've never touched her, and she's a woman—They always side with the woman."

"And you can't fight this?"

He shrugs. "My union rep is on it—There's a hearing next week."

"And you could get fired?"

He shrugs again. "I could lose my rank. They could demote me to pushing papers—But then if I quit completely, we would lose a lot of our pension. This could really screw us up for retirement. Most of dad's money is gone, since we gave the kids so much of it. Luke and Nolan's money we obvious won't touch. I mean, we still have enough to be comfortable, but we wouldn't be "rich" if this happens."

"I don't give a shit about being rich."

He shakes his head again, and I see the tears finally forming in his eyes.

"I can't lose my rank, Ellie. I've worked my ass off, and I'm damn proud of it. This is more than a slap in the face—It's taking part of who I am away. A part I'm proud of. It's who I am!"

"We're going to fight this, Taylor. She won't win."

He shakes his head. "She already has. She's slept her way to the top, and all the people who decide my fate are in her pocket—er, her panties. I'm completely screwed."

"So this is political?"

"It's completely political. The rumor is that they'll demote me, and make Liam Chief. She wants him even closer to her."

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