~177~ Cruise Day!!!

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Ellie's POV

I'm up and ready to go before my alarm even goes off.

This is the day we could only dream about for a while; A day we were never sure would come.

Today we leave for our cruise, to celebrate our beautiful Shay.

Shay is in remission, and she's flourishing!

She's stronger than she was, she's gaining some of her weight back, and her hair is growing in—now down past her ears.

We're all amazed at how fast she's bouncing back, and we're thanking the heavens everyday that she's still here with us.

Here with our Luke.

Taylor and I get downstairs, and make sure our luggage is all ready to go. Lilah and Alex are up, doing the same.

"What time are you waking up Nolan?" Alex asks.

"I don't think I'll have to," I grin as I kiss his cheek and take a sip of his coffee.

I really don't like coffee, but imma need the caffeine this morning.

"Back off, El. Get your own!" He teases as he hands me his mug to finish off.

"Why don't ya think you'll have to wake him up?" he asks after he takes a bite of his bagel.

Before I can say anything, I hear yelling.

"GET UP, LITTLE BROTHER! IT'S CRUISE DAY!!!!!" Luke screams, sounding like he's bouncing on the bed.

Taylor cackles as he pours his own coffee.

"Is this the same kid that's gotten a buttload of spankings first thing in the morning for being such a crab?" Alex asks as he looks up the stairs.

"Luke is pumped—I don't even know if he slept last night," Taylor says, beaming with pride.

We're all beaming with pride.

Those two did it, and now we're celebrating!!!!!!!!!!!

After another moment, we hear more yelling. He's now screaming at Colton, and then Gabby.

He has officially woken up all of the teenagers, and feels no shame at all.

Shay comes down the stairs with her bag, and she's smiling huge. "Who is he, and what happened to my husband?"

You happened my sweet girl, you happened.

Taylor laughs as he comes over to her and hugs her tight. "I don't know, but I like him," he says as he kisses her hair.


When Luke comes downstairs, his eyes lock on his bride. He comes over and picks her up, twirling her around gently and kissing her lips softly. "Let's get you to your cruise, Shyann. You did good, baby."

She smiles a smile that one could only call exuberant. This girl now has her whole life ahead of her again, and there's nothing she can't do.

And we get to watch them BOTH live


We had to fly to get to our cruise port, and that went pretty easily. After our hairy situation just a few weeks ago when we went to get Dylan, we were much more organized this time, and Jaxson didn't feel the need to get a pretzel.

When we get to the port, I take a big breath.

These ships are huge.

"Aw yeah!" Liam says as he nods in approval and trips Mason, walking up to the terminal.

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