~3~ Suspicious

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Sasha's POV

My day goes by well. I'm already learning several things from Cooper. Right before lunch he smirks at me.

"Don't think every day will be this easy. They're always the best behaved the first week. You will see who the characters are next week," he laughs.

I nod. I'm fully expecting it.

We eat lunch in the lunchroom; It's a little awkward. I sit next to Cooper, but there's several people that were my teachers. They're trying to treat me normally, but I can tell they feel awkward too. They all know about me and Mason.

"How old is your son by now, Sasha?" My old Chem teacher, Mrs. Tucker, er, Wendy asks me.

"He's 4" I smile.

She gives me a polite smile, but says nothing. This is really awkward.

I continue eating, and I happen to look over. Dylan and Colton have this lunch. Dylan is being sneaky. People are handing him money, and he's stuffing it in his pocket quickly.

Cooper catches me looking. "What's wrong?" He asks quietly.

"Not sure"

"Is a student misbehaving?" He asks, still quietly.

I shake my head. "I'm watching Mason's brother."

He simply nods, and watches what I am. Something is going on with Dylan. He's officially on my radar.

He's not selling drugs, is he?

I don't bring attention to it. It's my first day, and I'm not even convinced that he's doing anything wrong.

The end of the day, as I'm walking to my car, I run into Dylan. "Hey Sash. I'm going out with some friends after school. Is that ok?"

"Uh, yeah," I say simply.

He gives me a confused look at my hesitation, but doesn't press.

When I get home, I pick up Drew from next door.

"MOOOMMMMYYY!!!!" He squeals, jumping in my arms.

"Hey baby," I smile, giving him a ton of kisses.

"Were you a good boy?"

I look at Sarah, and she has a funny look.


"Well, he was unhappy that you guys went back to work."

"What did he do?"

Jake comes up behind Sarah and rolls his eyes. "I wasn't comfortable spanking your kid without checking with you first, Sash. I put him in timeout for a while though," he says apologetically.

"You could have spanked him. What did you do?" I ask, giving Drew a hard look.

He sticks out his lower lip and puts his chin on his chest. He's already starting to cry.

"Andrew Taylor...."

He looks at me, and tears are falling down his cheeks.

"I colored on the wall."

I close my eyes and shake my head. "How bad?" I ask, looking at Jake.

"We will have to repaint."

I sigh and shake my head. "You have my permission to spank him whenever you need. He's getting one when we get home," I say, glaring at Drew.

"Mommy, Uncle Jake already put me in a timeout and I cried lots."

"Yeah? Well next time he will spank you too."

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