~25~ Adoption

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Gabby's POV

These last two months have been a drag. These people desperately want me to be apart of their family...It's cute.

Today is the day that I get adopted. Alex and Lilah are more excited than necessary. They aren't my parents. The only thing this does is make it so I can't go to another foster home.

However, several kids I know were in a "second chance" adoption program. Their original family decide they didn't want them after all. I have no doubt that one day they will get tired of dealing with me and I'll be in that program.

I'm good with it.

"Lilah, have you ironed my dress shirt?" Alex asks as he comes down the stairs without his shirt on.

"Yeah. Did you even look? It's hanging up in the bathroom," she says with an attitude.

I actually like her more than I thought I would. She has an attitude, and I love it. I think Alex is actually a little afraid of her.

He rushes up the stairs and comes back down wearing his shirt, and tying his tie.

Colton walks in the door, and Lilah smiles. "How was therapy, buddy?"

"Gambling is bad," Colton says with an attitude as he rushes up the stairs to get dressed.

"Keep having an attitude and you will never get your car back," Alex says up the stairs after him.

"How did he get home without his car?" I ask.

"Mason picked him up for me," Alex says. He goes over to squeeze my shoulder, but quickly stops. This family has FINALLY learned that I hate people touching me. It's taking a while to train them, but we will get there. Every animal breaks eventually.

Colton comes down the stairs and Alex fixes his tie.

"You're not sitting next to Dylan and Savannah during court, you're sitting up with us. Hear me?"

"What for? So the judge can see what a happy family we are?" Colton snaps.

"Colton, I'm tired of this. It has been over a month. If I don't start seeing a change in your attitude soon, I'm going to deduce that therapy isn't working, and I'll put you in a program. I'm serious."

"You're always serious," Colton hisses as he goes out the door.

Alex sighs and shakes his head. "Ready you two?" He asks with a grin.

We get in the car and I get in the back with Colton. He has a phone that he gets out of his pocket, and he's shifting so his parents can't see it. I know that he still has his phone taken away. I have no idea what he did, but he's been grounded for a long time.

Now normally, people can do what they want as long as it doesn't affect me, and I'm pretty chill. I don't care...But I'm in a crummy mood. I don't wanna be adopted. I don't want to be here. I low-key feel like sabotaging.

"Colton, better get off your phone before daddy-dearest sees ya," I say, "whispering"

I totally said it loud enough for the parental figures in the front to hear, though.

Colton's eyes get huge as he stares at me in horror. Alex says nothing as he turns on his turn signal and pulls the car over.

He silently gets out and opens Colton's door. He says nothing as he bends down and stares hard at Colton, putting his hand out.

Colton silently hands Alex the phone, and Alex looks at it and flips through a few things. Cars are whizzing by, and this lunatic is scrolling through the phone.

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