~108~ Dinner Moochers

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Emma's POV

"Wonder what mom's cooking for dinner," Trace smiles as he holds my hand.

I smirk at him as he makes a right turn, excitedly driving towards a home cooked meal. I'm not much of a cook. I like to bake, but I'm always so busy to make a full dinner. I figure, that's what we have parents for. We go to their house and they feed us. Win-win.

"I don't know," I chuckle, kissing his cheek. He's almost done at the fire academy, and it's already been decided that he'll be under Liam once he graduates. I'm happy, but nervous. Having Trace in constant danger isn't sitting right. When you're a kid, you don't think about it. Dad goes to work, he comes home....I'm not a little kid anymore.

We get to Megan and Wes' house, and go in. We had dinner at mom and dad's a couple nights ago so now it's Wes and Megan's turn to feed us.

If they truly cared, we wouldn't take advantage of it...but they don't. They love it.

We get in and Megan gives us each a hug and a kiss. Her face is funny, though.

"What's wrong?" Trace asks.

Megan sighs. "Your sister will be home in a few minutes, and she's in huge trouble. This might not be a fun night. If you don't wanna stay, you don't have to."

Trace rolls his eyes. "I'm good with drama," he grins as he kisses his mom again and gets in the fridge for a beer. He hands me a caffeine-free soda.

"What did she do?" Trace asks as he opens his beer and sits on the counter, taking a long drink.

Wes comes in then, and he's mad. Really mad.

He silently kisses me on the head, hugs Trace, and takes the beer from him, taking a drink of his own. Then he hands the beer back to Trace and rolls his eyes.

"Josie is fine, but she's in the hospital."

"What?!?" We both say at the same time.

"Miscarriage," Megan says sadly.

We're both silent as we try to digest that info.

"Is she ok?" I ask.

Megan nods. "She's fine. She lost a lot of blood, but she'll be fine...physically..."

"Why is Izzy in trouble for that? Did she get her pregnant?" Trace asks, trying to crack a horrible joke.

"Young man...you're never too old to be spanked," Wes snaps.

Trace's eyes get wide. "Bad time to try and be funny. Sorry... why is Izzy in trouble?"

We see her pull up, and Wes turns into scary dad-mode.

"You're about to find out," he says darkly, going over to the door off of the kitchen and waiting for her.

When Izzy sees her dad's face, hers immediately falls. "What's wrong?"

"GET YOUR ASS INSIDE!" He yells, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her to the table, shoving her in a chair.


"NO! I'm asking the questions," he barks, almost shaking with rage.

Izzy nods, looking at her mom for help.

"How did Josie look when you helped her escape school?"

"Sick?" She says, almost a whisper.

Wes nods. "Then why didn't you immediately call
Mason or Sasha?"

"I didn't want her to be mad at me!"

Wes grabs her by the arm and stands her up, putting her against his side and delivering two dozen harsh swats to her butt.

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