~45~ Visitation

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Sasha's POV

We're getting ready for the visitation in our hotel room. I'm trying to finish getting my hair curled, using the tiny mirror. Josie and Dylan are using the big one in the bathroom.

"Mommy, is great-grandpa going to be there?" Drew asks.

Dang. How do you explain death to a toddler?

"Well, yeah, but he's going to look like he's sleeping."

"So I can't talk to him?"

"You can, but he won't be able to answer."

"When will he wake up?"

"He won't, baby. He will stay sleeping."

"FOREVER?!?" Drew asks in horror.

Mason picks him up and kisses his cheek. "Yeah, buddy."

"Did he just forget how to wake up?"

Mason looks at me and then back at Drew. "No, Little Dude. Great-Grandpa got sick, and his body got tired."

"Like when I caught a cold cause I didn't wear a jacket like you told me to?"

"No. It's different. You will understand when you get bigger," Mason smiles sadly.

"Good, cause I sure don't understand now. Is Gramma still gunna be sad?"

I kiss his cheek and nod. "Yeah, and Uncle Jake. You need to be a very good boy tonight, ok?"

"I was good on the plane. Jaxson got spanked though when we got here, and it sounded like it hurt."

I smile. "I'm sure it did. You be good tonight, so you don't get one. Ok?"

"Ohhh Kay!" Drew says seriously.

"You two ready?" I ask, looking at the kids.

They just nod and we leave the room.

"Is your dad still pissed at me?" Mason asks as we walk down the hall.

"No, he never was. Anything to do with mom in possible danger just makes him crazy."

"I should have forced her to give me her keys," he says, still mad at himself.

I roll my eyes. "Since when can a person make Ellie Freeman Preston do something she doesn't want to do?"

"I still should have," he says as we walk to the car.

"A black eye wouldn't look sexy on you, baby," I smirk as we get in the car.

He laughs and grabs my hand.

When we get to the funeral home, I get nervous. This is awkward.

I take Drew by the hand, and Liam comes over to us from his car. Savvy is holding Jaxson's hand.

"I don't like wearing this stinkin' shirt. This top part is scratchy," Jaxson pouts.

Liam sighs as he bends down and gets eye-level with Jaxson.

"You listen to me, young man. If you so much as blink too loudly, I'm taking you to the bathroom and spanking you. It's going to feel horrible on the sore bottom you probably already have from yesterday."

"Daddy, I just said this shirt is scratchy. Isn't yours scratchy too?"

"Yup. Dressing nice isn't fun at all. The quicker you learn that, the better."

"Same with wearing bras," I mutter.

Mason chuckles and Liam looks at me, smirking.

"Do I have to wear a bra too?!?'" Jaxson yells.

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