~144~ Pregnancy Woes

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Liam's POV

"Such a sight for my poor old eyes. How's it going, my ruggedly handsome BFF?" I ask as I dramatically jump into his arms and make him catch me, bridal style.

Mason snorts as he carries me to the couch, and drops me onto the cushions.

"Hey! I coulda broke my face!"

Mason cackles as he throws a pillow at me. "Wouldn't have hurt your ugly mug none."

"I'm offended."

Mason shakes his head, hiding a smirk. "You picked a horrible night to come over to watch the game. We have to eat peas!"


"Drew's in trouble for starting a food fight, and his weapon of choice was peas. I'm now making him eat that as his vegetable tonight."

I blink several times and ignore the lump in my throat. "Are you actually telling me that my little nephew... My own flesh and blood...Started a food fight?"

"Don't encourage it, bonehead. He's in trouble for it."

"I just need a minute. My heart is swelling with so much pride, it's about to burst."

"Well, you're gonna clean up the mess if it does."

I laugh as I go into the kitchen and see my waddling sister.

"Woah! You look crabby!" I say as I kiss her cheek.

"Buzz off"

I look at Mason and raise my eyebrows. "She sure gets cranky when she's an oven, huh?"

Mason smartly schools his face—I can say she's a crabby pregnant lady, but he sure can't.

"She's mad about Drew and stressed about Nolan having issues in school again."

"Ah, bummer. Well, as far as Nolan goes, he'll be fine. You two are amazing teachers, and mom will make sure he gets outside help....For Drew—chill out, sister friend. We can't all be perfect. I seem to remember a certain bunny incident with a certain kindergartener one time."

"Butt out Liam," she hisses

"Out of all those flavors, you chose salty, huh?"

She takes a deep breath and rolls her eyes, while Mason chokes on his water.

"Can't you just be serious for once in your life?!?" She asks, as she continues making meatloaf—Ick!

"Woah, woah, woah...Now let's all calm down. Being a functional adult every day seems a bit excessive, don't ya think? I already had to be normal most of the day. Now I'm with my BFF....My inner child is screaming."

"Well give it a cookie and shut it up," she barks as she throws me a cookie from a bag.

"Mmmm....I might need a few more of these if I have to choke down that meatloaf," I say as I start munching.

Mason shakes his head and sits next to me. "What did you have to do today?"

"I had a Lieutenant's workshop I had to go to—Such a drag. Diego and I used to go and shoot paper airplanes at each other. Now I look kinda silly when I do it by myself."

"Have you heard anything about your promotion?" Mason asks.

"What promotion?" Sasha asks as she turns and looks at me.

"Chief put in for Greene to be promoted to Assistant Chief, and for me to be Captain. We should hear in a week or so."

"Liam, that's a huge deal!" She says with a smile.

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