~162~ Shaving

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Ellie's POV

We're watching Drew this weekend, while Mason, Josie, and Sasha are at Josie's audition for Juilliard.

"Papa, can we play a game?" He asks Taylor as he brings him Uno.

"Ummm, Andy-Man, I wanna play with you, but I REALLY hate Uno. Can we play Chutes and Ladders?"

"But that's a baby game," he says as he puts his hands on his hips.

Taylor looks at me, and then back at Drew. "Well I'm offended, Andrew. I LOVE that game."

"You love baby games?"

"No, I love awesome games."

"Me too! What awesome games do you have?" He asks as he walks over to the game closet.

Taylor chuckles as he stands up and follows him, and together they pick out Jenga.

They play for a long time, each of them getting more animated the taller the tower gets.

"Andy-Man don't breathe! This baby's gonna reach the ceiling here in a bit."

Drew dramatically takes in a huge breath and plugs his nose.

Taylor laughs loudly and starts tickling him. "I'm just kidding. Your mommy's gonna get me in trouble if you pass out from no oxygen—We need to focus," he says as he goes to take the next block from the tower.

Suddenly Mouse runs at full speed, and crashes into the tower, making the blocks go everywhere.

"MOUSE!!!!!" Drew screams as he stomps his foot.

"Papa, that was SOOO mean!" He says as he starts to cry.

"Oh, it's ok, Andy-Man! Her fur is long, and sometimes it scares her when her tail brushes her leg. Maybe she was just scared. We had fun though, huh?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to reach the ceiling."

"Eh, we have all weekend. Let's see if gramma needs any help with chores."

"Chores aren't fun," he says as he follows Taylor.

"Don't I know it," he says as he swats Drew's seat playfully and kisses his head.


We spend the rest of the day laying low, enjoying our Saturday.

Taylor and I are in the kitchen with Alex, and I'm making a pizza.

"Drew is being awfully quiet," I say as I mix up the marinara sauce.

"Yeah, being a grandparent is SOOO much easier than being a dad."

I look at him, and he's being dead serious.

"Love, normally when our children were quiet, it meant they were doing something wrong. Kids haven't changed that much in the last 20 years. Maybe you should go check on him........"

Before we can say anything, Drew comes down the stairs, looking quite pleased with himself.

"What's up, Andy-Man?" Taylor grins as he picks him up and kisses his cheek.

"You're gonna be so excited!" He squeals as he jumps up and down in Taylor's lap.

Taylor shifts Drew discreetly, cause Drew was jumping a little too hard, and I can tell it was hurting Taylor.

"I am?!?"

"Uh huh. I helped Mouse!"

"With what?" He asks as he runs his fingers through Drew's curls.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now