~156~ Slipping In The Shower

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If you guys follow my other story, somehow I got my books flowing on the same page temporarily. Not sure how it happened, but they will go their own way again soon. As Bob Ross says, I'd like to think of this as a "Happy Little Accident."

Anywho, in real life, love one another and keep your hands to yourselves 😘❤️🤣

Gabby's POV

"Dad, I hate this room," I say as he goes to tuck me in.


"Because it's so girly. Why did Sasha have to have such a girly room?"

Dad chuckles as he sits on the edge of my bed.

"Sorry, Gabbs. You're just gonna have to deal with it."

"I just wanna go home!"

"I know, and I do too....But we're gonna be here for a while, so we need to make the best of it."

I huff as I lay down and roll over. This room doesn't feel like home—This house doesn't feel like home.

My home feels like home, and I want to go back.

The next morning I wake up in a super bad mood as I get ready for school.

I'm in the bathroom getting ready, when Nolan walks in.

"I'm in here, get out!"

He looks at me, half asleep, and blinks several times.

"I need to take a shower."

"Then go in one of the other 30 bathrooms in this house."

"Gabby, this is my shower. Come on!"

"No. I was here first. If you don't like it, then tough. At least you still have a house!"

He glares at me and runs his hand through his hair.

"This is gonna be a long couple of months," he grumbles as he reaches in the shower and gets out his shampoo.


"Nothing," he says as he starts to move past me.

"No, say it to my face, tough guy!" I say as I stand in his way.

I'm seriously in the worst mood today, and Nolan is unfortunately feeling my wrath.

"I said this is gonna be a long couple of months. You could easily go into another bathroom, but you're just being difficult. You bug me!"

Before I can stop my hand, it moves on its own and smacks Nolan across the face.

He immediately grabs his cheek, and takes a deep breath.

"What did you do that for?" He asks in a shaky voice.

"I didn't mean to—I'm so sorry. Please don't tell!"

Ah man! I'm in so much trouble. I can't believe I just smacked Nolan.

He blinks several times, and then silently leaves the bathroom.

I'm dead

I'm bracing myself for dad to come up here and start punishing me, but he never does. When I go downstairs, dad is drinking coffee with Taylor.

"Morning beautiful," he grins as he kisses me.


"What do you want for breakfast?" Mom asks.

"Not hungry."

"You're at my house, remember? Nasty stuff isn't allowed," Taylor snorts as he puts his coffee down and grins at me.

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