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Ellie's POV

When the doctor comes out to say that Shay is in Recovery 2, and that Luke can see her, he and Shay's mom go back. Taylor grabs my hand and pulls me in, kissing my lips softly.

"He's getting married," he whispers as he fights more tears.

"What did you just say?!?" Liam asks.

Dang it Taylor

"Er, nothing. Mind your own business, kid."

Taylor says it in such a tone, Liam blinks several times.

"Um, yes sir? Ok, before I completely mind my own business.....Did you just say what I think you did, or is my old man hearing already going into effect?"

Taylor rolls his eyes. "Liam Alexander, do you and I need to have a chat?"

"That bluff won't work, Taylor," he says, crossing his arms.

Taylor sighs as he dramatically touches his belt and pretends to start unbuckling it.

"Bluff is working," Liam says as he scurries and hides behind Mason.

"Don't use me as a shield. I never called his bluff," Mason says as he mock-shoves Liam.

"I need a new BFF," Liam grumbles as he goes over and plops down dramatically by Savannah. "Be my BFF?" He asks her.


"Tough room."

I start to say something, when Luke comes back out. "They said a few more people can come in."

I look at my poor boy, and I feel pride. For as badly as he fell apart earlier, he's pure strength now.

Taylor and I follow Luke to where they have Shay, and my heart starts breaking. She's in obvious pain, and she's obviously feeling nauseous.

I touch her hand and she looks at me, trying her best to smile. "Are you feeling nauseous, my girl?"

She weakly nods her head.

"Ok," I say as I leave the room. I tell a nurse that they need to give her some anti-nausea medicine before she throws up. Throwing up right now will be horrendous.

When I come back in, I rub her arm. "A nurse is coming in to give you some medicine. The nausea will go away. Just breathe through your nose until she gets here."

I see her mom give me a look, but I ignore it. I'm not worried about overstepping. She should be here full-time if she doesn't want me 'being a mom' to her daughter.

Taylor kisses her hair, and tells her that he loves her. She just squeezes his hand. This poor little thing is miserable.

After the nurse comes in with the medicine and puts it in her IV, a little later she's looking better.

Once they move her to her own room, they allow people to come in, small groups at a time.

Luke sits right next to her on the bed and holds her hand as family files in. Everyone kisses her and says encouraging words to her, but then they leave the room quickly. It's obvious she's in pain, and obvious she needs to rest.

The rest of the day, Shay is in and out of it. My boy hasn't left her side for one single second.

Once visiting hours are over, Luke refuses to leave. Her mom is wanting to stay, and Shay is only allowed to have one person with her overnight.

"I am her mother, and you are just the boyfriend. I'm sorry, Luke...you people have been butting in all day, and I'm sick of it. I'm here for my daughter, end of discussion."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now