~129~ Gym Class

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Gabby's POV

"What are you getting for lunch?" Zoe asks as we stare at the options in the cafeteria.

"Cheese fries and a spicy chicken sandwich," I grin as I put the delicious looking fried food on my tray and go to pay.

Zoe grabs a burger and onion rings, and follows.

"Think that girl will be all over Nolan again today?" I ask as we pay for our food and go into the lunch room.

Zoe laughs a weird laugh, and I look at her funny.

"Actually, I think they're dating," Zoe says.



"Oops what?"

"I wasn't supposed to tell you that," she says softly.

"Why the heck not?"

She looks at me for a minute, and then takes a deep breath. "Because you kinda freak Nolan out."

I feel like I got punched in the gut. "What does that mean?"

She adjusts her glasses nervously. "Can we just sit down? Knowing me, I'm gonna spill all this food, and give people an even bigger reason to laugh at me."

I nod as we go to find a spot in the back. Zoe gets picked on quite a bit, and it makes me so mad. She's the kindest, sweetest, funniest girl.

We sit down, and I open my soda. "So, tell me... Why do I freak Nolan out?"

She bites her lip as she pulls apart her cheeseburger. "Because you have a crush on him."

For the second time, I feel like I got punched in the gut. "He said that?!?"

She shakes her head. "No. He just thinks you always sabotage his relationships. He thinks you're too aggressive. I'm the one that says you have a crush on him."

I sigh. "I used to."

"And now?"

"Well, I can't have a crush on him, cause it's creepy....But he's special. He's just a truly good guy, and none of the girls here are good enough."

"You're jealous."

She says it in a kind way. It's not accusatory or mean, it's just factual. Everything with Zoe is factual.

I shake my head. "I'm not jealous of the girls, I'm just jealous that I can't find a guy like him....I mean, it's kind of a cruel twist...I get adopted into his family. It's stupid. If I never had, I could.....it's gross, I know."

"There are a lot of cute guys here," she says gently.

"Cute yeah....Cute and good? Nope. Just one."

"Well, you need to back off of this girl. Nolan has kept her from you for months."

"What's her name?"


I chuckle. "Sounds like a cheerleader name."

"She is one," Zoe grins.

I roll my eyes as I look over, and see Nolan holding her hand under the table. How could I not have noticed this? Probably because I specifically try NOT to pay attention to Nolan. It got me in enough trouble last time.

When Zoe and I walk into PE, Mr. Chase and Luke set up dodgeball—My personal favorite.

We get going, and poor Zoe gets picked last. I hate that. She doesn't seem like it bothers her, but it bothers me. Corinne's in this class, and she reluctantly "took" Zoe. She grumbles about it, and then begs the other captain to take her.

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