~121~ IN MY CAR?!?

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Ellie's POV

"Any chance there's a car I could borrow today?" Justin asks me as he pours a cup of coffee for himself.

I stuff the last bite of bagel in my mouth and look at Taylor.

Taylor gives me a look that's screaming 'Don't you dare offer my car.'

I ignore the look and nod at my brother. "Taylor doesn't work till tomorrow. You can use his car."

"Or, ya know....I have a swell idea. You could ride with Mason and give him YOUR car," Taylor says darkly.

"Why would I do that Taylor, when a perfectly good car will just be sitting in the driveway, un-driven, all day?"

Taylor glares at me as he takes a sip of coffee. "What if I had plans?"

"Do you?"

"I could"

I sigh as I look at Justin. "It's all yours."

"Woah, woah, woah....Hang on a damn second.... Do you drive like your brother or your sister?" Taylor asks, with desperation in his voice.

Justin raises his eyebrows and looks down, fighting a smirk. "Sorry Ellie.....I do NOT drive like my sister....er, at least how she drove when we were kids...Surely she's gotten better though, right?"

"You'd think so," Taylor mutters.

Justin chuckles as he takes another sip of coffee.

"Fine. You can have it, but SO HELP ME.....If you scratch my car, I'll scratch you."

Justin nods. "Thanks"

"Got anything fun planned?" I ask as I kiss his cheek.

"Just meeting up with some people."

"Oh yeah?"


"So, is it like some super-secret meeting or something?"

Justin shakes his head and rinses the cup out in the sink. "No. You just don't know them."

Nolan comes through the door, not looking like he slept much last night.

"Hey baby boy," I say as I go over and kiss his cheek.


"Have you eaten?"

Nolan groans. "I was offered food, yeah."

Taylor cackles. "What did my health-nut sister offer for breakfast this morning?"

"All-Bran and grapefruit."

"Ugh! What the hell? Is she a 90 year old lady who needs help shitting? Poor Alex," Taylor says as he rushes to the cabinet and gets out some pop tarts.
He throws the box at Nolan and pours some milk for him.

Nolan opens a package of pop-tarts and starts eating, reaching in his pocket; He hands me his phone.

"You didn't take this from me last night."

Before I can say anything, Justin does. "They forgot to take your phone away so you offer it to them? You're definitely NOT my child."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now