~2~ Student Teacher

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Sasha's POV

I woke up extra early this morning to try and figure out what I'm doing. How is a teacher supposed to look? Ok, I know I'm not technically a teacher yet, but I have to at least try and look the part. Teenagers are mean. I should know, I wasn't a peach when I was one. I don't want these kids treating me like a kid and not respecting me.

Worse yet, I don't want the adults treating me like a kid and not respecting me. Most of these people were my teachers. It sucks this town isn't huge. The next closest High School is 35 minutes away. I know that isn't a long commute, but it's silly to do that when I could be at a school that's ten minutes away.

I get showered and then look at myself in the mirror. How is a teacher supposed to wear her hair? Will I be taken more seriously if my hair is up? How about down and curly? Down and straight? Ugh I just don't know.

I think about calling mom, but I'm trying to be an adult. I don't want to call my mom to ask how I should wear my hair.

I decide to do what I'm most comfortable with. Down and curly. It's how I wear it most of the time.

I do my make up, and then do my hair.

As I'm curling my last curl, Mason walks in.

"Morning, beautiful," he says as he kisses my cheek.


"You ok? You tossed and turned a lot last night," he says as he goes over to the toilet to go to the bathroom.

"Sorry. Did I keep you up?"

He shakes his head. "Nah. I'm a little nervous too."

"Why the heck would you be nervous?"

He shrugs. "I always am on the first day."

That floors me. He was my teacher my sophomore and part of junior year. He never seemed nervous at all.

"Do I look ok?"

"Of course you do," he smirks as he undresses and jumps in the shower.

"No, I mean, do I look like a teacher?"

He sticks his head out from the curtain and looks at me hard. "I mean, you're technically not a teacher yet."


He chuckles.

"I'm kidding. You look perfect, Sash."

I sigh as I go and get dressed.

After that, I go to wake up Dylan and Josie so they can start getting ready.

Thankfully Josie was already up, and working on her own hair.

"Sasha, my hair isn't cooperating today," she says, slamming her curling iron down.

I go over to her and pick up the strand she's having trouble with. I flip it a way that mom taught me, and get the piece to lay right.

"I just don't understand how you do that," she says, frustrated.

"You're flipping it the wrong way, Jos. Go the opposite way."

She nods as she tries the next piece. It lays perfectly, and she smiles. "Thanks. You look gorgeous," she says with a smile.

"Thanks" I smirk as I leave. She and I have really been getting close this last year. I can honestly say that I love her now.

Drew walks in, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Mommy, what are we doing today?" He asks with his dazzling dimpled smile.

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