~170~ Best Weekend Of My Life

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Josie's POV

"You ready, Jos?" Mason asks as he takes his bag downstairs and puts it by the door.

"I've been ready," I say with more of an attitude than I meant to.

He gives me a funny look, and then his face breaks into a soft smile. "You're even more excited than I am, huh?"

I go over to him and give him a hug, and he hugs me back tightly.

"I've been waiting on this for forever."

He kisses my hair and nods, holding me even tighter. "Can you believe it's finally here?"

I shake my head—I really can't

We are leaving, every single person in this whole family, to watch my brother graduate from basic.

My brother is coming home!!!!

Drew comes running down the stairs. "Daddy, can I ride with Jaxson?"

Mason shakes his head. "No. Remember what we said? We're driving to the airport, and then flying in an airplane. You're sitting with me. Jaxson doesn't have a seat by you."

He sticks his bottom lip out in a pout, and crosses his arms. "No fair. Who am I gonna talk to?"

"I'm pretty fun to talk to," Mason says, trying not to smile.

"You teach History—You don't know much about dinosaurs."

"Um—little dude, Dinosaurs are a part of history. I know all about them."

"Ok, but do you know what an Allosaurus looks like?"

Mason blinks several times, and then shakes his head.

"Jaxson would know," he mumbles as he grabs his book bag and puts it on his back.

Mason laughs and kisses his head, and then we all leave for the car.

"Babe, do you have my prenatals?" Sasha asks as she looks in her purse.

"Yeah, it's in this bag."

"And the good camera that records?"

"You mean the camcorder? Yeah, I have it."

She nods as she helps Drew buckle, and then gets in the front seat.

We leave, and I see everyone else either leaving too, or putting their bags in their cars.

Ellie waves at us, with her cast still on her wrist.

"Have you talked to her lately?" Mason asks as he drives out of the subdivision.

"Every day," Sasha says.

"I mean about how her wrist is doing. She doesn't say much about it at lunch."

"I think it's ok—She doesn't like to admit when she's in pain."

I put my headphones in to drown out their chatter. All I care about is seeing my brother, and it's going to feel like an eternity until tomorrow afternoon.

It's gonna be the best day of my life.


We get to the airport, and it's complete chaos.

Ever seen the Home Alone movies with the family rushing to get on the right flight? Well, we could have starred in that movie.

"Where are the twins?" Taylor asks Liam as he looks frantically.

"Here," Ellie says as she helps Nora get Charlie's jacket on.

"Ok, we need to be more organized, or we're gonna have a Home Alone situation," Taylor says.

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