~67~ Making The Impossible Possible

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Liam's POV

"LIAM, GO TO THE BACK!!!" I hear Taylor scream.

Somehow I ran ahead of everyone and I'm the closest to the RV.

At first I can't figure out what he's talking about, but then it dawns on me...There's two doors to this thing. I was so focused on getting to the door at the front, I forgot about the one in the back.

I move my legs faster than they've ever moved before, and I immediately feel my groin pulling. I ignore the searing pain and focus solely on getting to this damn door. If it's locked, I'll be out of time, and this thing will be crashing into the lake.

I make it to the door and jump on the step. Luck is on my side, because we hadn't locked it yet. I'm able to swing it open, the door slamming and crushing my finger on my left hand from the force of the moving rig.

I'm able to open it back up, saying a few curse words; I already know my finger is broken.

Once I'm in, I'm almost completely out of time. We're only about 20 feet from the lake.

I run with every ounce of strength I have left, and make my way up to the front seat, where the boys are.

They are screaming and crying, completely scared out of their minds.

"DADDYYYY!" Jaxson screams, nothing but pure terror on his face.

I ignore him as I literally throw him out of the seat and sit down, slamming on the brakes and making the whole RV jerk to a hard stop. When I look up, the front tires are just barely touching the water. I literally didn't even have two seconds left to spare.

I quickly put the thing in reverse and get it off the sand.

Once we're at a safe distance from the lake, I put my head on the steering wheel and sob.

By the time I have my self under control, the front door is swinging open, and all of the men are barreling through.

Jaxson throws himself into my arms and weeps, harrowing sobs. If I could get my mind to work right, I might actually be feeling a little bad for him.

Drew flings himself into Mason, and the two sit on the floor, holding each other and crying.

Dad and Taylor are fighting their tears hard, and Jake and Wes aren't far from it either.

"Are you two ok?" Taylor finally asks, his voice cracking from the fear and relief mixed together.

Jax nods as he cuddles in closer. He brushes against my finger, and I wince in pain. Taylor immediately notices and comes over to me.

"Are you hurt?"

"Broke my finger and pulled my groin," I say, still unable to get my brain to calm down.

Taylor lifts my hand gingerly and looks at it. "Ouch. It's definitely broken. Your mom should be able to set it."

That's the absolute least of my worries right now.

"I watched you set the parking brake. How the hell did this happen?" I ask, looking at Mason.

"I have a feeling," he says, glaring at the two boys.

That's when my brain finally registers. Don't EVEN tell me they did this.

"Jaxson Diego Clark, did you do this?"

Jaxson gets off of my lap and buries himself into dad. Dad picks him up and cuddles him close. Then, he pulls away and looks at him sternly. "Answer your dad. Right now."

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