~71~ Take The World By Storm

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Sasha's POV

"Night Drew, I love you," I say as I close his door and breathe a sigh of relief. I'm going to get in my pajamas and relax for the rest of the night, and I'm looking forward to it.

I feel my phone in my pocket vibrating, so I look at it. It's dad. What on earth could he possibly want? We've been with him for a week.


"Get yourselves ready. We will pick you up in ten minutes," he says in a weird voice.

"No way. I just got Drew to sleep, and I'm tired."

"Now, Sash. We have to get to the hospital."

"What's wrong?" I ask, feeling immediately like I'm about to have a panic attack.

"Charlotte is getting her heart."

"Give us five," I say as I rush to get Mason and the kids.

I run in the bathroom, and Mason is in the shower. We have barely even kissed, let alone seen each other naked in weeks, so I feel a little awkward.

I pull the curtain back, and he reflexively covers himself.

"What's wrong?" He asks, trying to look at me with soap running down his face and getting in his eyes.

"We have to get to the hospital now. Hurry," I say as I rush out.

"Who?" He yells after me.

I don't even take the time to tell him as I grab Josie and Dylan. Once they're scrambling to get over to mom and dad's, I go in Drew's room and grab my sleepy boy. I hug him tight as I thanks the heavens that he's healthy. I always took it for granted before Charlotte.

As I'm grabbing a bag of stuff, Mason is rushing down the stairs. His hair is still dripping as he's pulling a gray t shirt over his head and trying to fix his sweatpants so they aren't twisted.

"Tell me what the hell is going on," he snaps as he grabs his wallet and phone and shoves them in his pocket.

"Charlotte is getting her heart," I say, ignoring the sob trying to erupt from my chest.

"Shit!" He says in horror and dread as he takes Drew from me and we rush out the door.

Mom and dad are already waiting for us in their car.

I quickly buckle Drew in his car seat. He's so tired, he still hasn't woken up.

"Are they already at the hospital?" Mason asks as he buckles and dad backs out of the driveway quickly.

"They left five minutes ago with Alex."

"How is he?"

"He's a complete mess. He's going to need you, Mason. Hope you're ready for the longest night of our entire lives."

Mason is quiet for a moment. "Guess I have to be, huh?"


It's quiet the whole way there. Dad is driving fast, but thankfully he knows all the cops around. That comes in handy, because we passed a cop going at an insane speed. Dad waves at him and the cop just waves back. Dad doesn't ever drive like this, so the cop must know it's an emergency.

We get there and rush to where we need to be. Liam is holding Charlotte and arguing with a doctor.

"I don't understand why we can't go back with her like last time. She doesn't know you," he says with a huge attitude.

"Mr. Clark, you already took longer than you should have to bring her to us. The heart can only be on ice for so long. We HAVE to get her back, NOW."

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