~47~ Long Drive Home

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Liam's POV

"Think if we ride together we will get in trouble?" I ask Mason.

"By who?" He chuckles.

"Our mother"

Mason smirks. He loves being included as one of mom's children. He has never admitted it, but his face lights up whenever he is.

"She won't be in the car, I think it's safe."

"No, but we've got three teens and two toddlers in the car who might squeal."

Drew crosses his arms, thoroughly offended.

"What's wrong, Andy Man?" Taylor asks, coming up behind him and kissing his curls.

"Uncle Liam just called me a pig."

"How did I do that?" I laugh.

"You said we was gonna squeal. Pigs squeal, I'm an Andrew."

Mason, Taylor, and I all laugh loudly.

Taylor picks him up and kisses his cheek. "You're not a pig, Andy Man. Want me to buckle you in?"

"How's come mommy can't ride with me?"

"She's going to ride with me, Gramma, Jake and Sarah. She wants to get some homework done."

"She could get homework done here."

Taylor cackles. "With your daddy and your uncle together in the same car, it's going to be wild...Plus Colton, Dylan, and Saavy? You and Jaxson better make sure they behave, ok?"

"Will you spank daddy and Uncle Liam if they don't?"

"Might just have to," he says, kissing Drew again and then kissing Jax.

"Be good boys," Taylor says, pretending to be stern.

"Yes sir," Mason snorts.

We get in and start driving. I'm taking the first shift. Between my insane toddler and the amount of stuff mom and Jake are taking back with them, there's no way we could have flown. This is a stupid 17-hour drive.

Taylor tried to convince dad, Mason, and Wes to just fly home with their families. Since it's the weekend and everyone was already off work, they decided to just drive for moral support. Gotta admit I'm stoked to ride in a car with Mason for ten thousand years.

"I wanna watch Toy Story," Jaxson says after only ten minutes of driving.

"This is gonna be a long trip," I mutter as Mason turns around to get the DVD turned on.

Whoever invented car DVD players needs a kiss from me. They are a lifesaver.

"Dad, can't you turn it down? Not all of us want to hear 'you've got a friend in me'."

I sigh. "Savannah, don't start. Turn on some music, put your headphones in, and take a nap."

"Someone's cranky"

I nod. "Yeah, I am. This week has been awful and I'm anxious to get back to your mom and the twins. We have been driving for 15 minutes...Don't start or this is going to suck."

"Going to? Pretty sure its already there."

I roll my eyes. "Think we would get arrested if I had you climb in the backseat to spank her while I kept driving? Would I really have to pull over for that?"

Mason laughs. "What would our rap sheets say?"

I think about that. "Two cranky dads who just wanted to get home."

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