~173~ My Story

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Josie's POV

The next morning, the alarm is beeping on Mason's phone, and I'm trying to decide how to break his phone without getting in trouble.

It can't be time to wake up already.

I hear him get out of bed, and then I hear Sasha get up too. I continue to sleep, because no one should have to be awake at such an awful time.

3:30 am. What?!?!

They got a stupid flight for 6 am, because we all have school tomorrow and everyone wanted to be back at a good time. Plus, Raya is finally starting her first day of school.

Jake talked to her social worker, and decided to let her get used to being here for the first month. She's been doing schoolwork that her teachers got for her, and Jake has been turning everything in once a week.

Monday is the day she's starting, so she's part of the reason why we have such a stinking early flight.

"Jocelyn, it's time to wake up," Mason says softly as he pats my thigh.

"Ten more minutes," I mumble into the pillow.

"You gonna need to shower?" He asks me.


"Do your hair?"


"Ok, I'll let you sleep for fifteen more minutes, but then you need to get up. Ok?"

I don't even answer him, because I'm already asleep again.

"Jocelyn Grace, I gave you twenty. Get up," Mason says.

"Ugh— I hate you sometimes," I grumble as I take one of the thirty pillows on this bed and chuck it at him.

"Come on, Curly Top. Dylan is in the shower now, and then you can have the bathroom. We need to leave in twenty minutes and meet everyone in the lobby... get up!"

At the end of that spiel, I hear his tone change. I decide it's in my best interest to just get up and sleep on the plane.

When I finally get to the bathroom and see my hair, I groan. I shoulda gotten up earlier

My hair is so frizzy and insane, it legit looks like I put my finger in a light socket.

"Sasha!!!" I yell in frustration.

Everyone rushes into the bathroom, thinking something is actually wrong. When they see me, Dylan laughs out loud and Mason smirks, putting his head down and walking out of the bathroom.

I look at Sasha, and she's assessing the situation quickly.

"Messy bun it is," she says as she works her magic on my hair quickly.

Seriously, how does she do that? Her bun is the ONLY one that makes me look normal. When I do it, I look like a damn poodle on drugs.

By the time we're out of the hotel and at the airport, chaos is once again happening.

"Holy Crap," Dylan mutters when he sees Taylor trying to get order once more.

Mason hands us our boarding passes. "You two are sitting with Izzy."

"Heck yeah!" I say. So much better than last time.

"Be good," he chuckles as he kisses my cheek.

Dylan smiles at me. "Does my room still look the same?"

"Yeah, but we finally got the smell out last week."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now