~193~ Let Her Have The Day

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Sasha's POV

I can feel it.


I felt the first start of pains as I was helping Josie with her hair before graduation.

You will NOT take the focus off of her today, Sasha

I ignore the uncomfortable, inconsistent pains all throughout the ceremony. I smile big, shed a few tears, and take a million pictures of Jocelyn graduating.

We take another million pictures once graduation is over, and I smile throughout all of the contractions—They are becoming more uncomfortable by each passing minute.

The party is at our house, because that stuff stresses Megan out—Izzy and Josie are having a duo party. Serving the meal is becoming more and more unbearable.

Mom is watching me carefully, and I see her looking at Lilah and Megan. Once I realize that all three are catching on, I make my face more normal as I continue serving and filling bowls.

My contractions are still seven minutes apart or so—I'm fine.

While Josie and Izzy are opening their cards and presents, I ignore the contractions that are so intense, I have to bite my lip and breathe deeply.

I can't take this day away from Josie

I'm really starting to border 'completely miserable' once it's time to serve cake. Megan is cutting the cake, and I'm making the punch when mom grabs my hand.

"I'm calling it, darling—It's time."

"Time for what?"

Mom gives me a knowing look. "You've been in labor all day. Your last contraction was three minutes ago—Come on."

I shake my head and look at Lilah and Megan, who've stopped cutting the cake to watch me.

"No. I'll go when the party's done—I will NOT take this away from her."

"Love, it's almost over. All that's left is cake..." mom argues.

I shake my head. "And games....It's only 7!"

Megan touches my cheek. "I almost lost my best friend once when she didn't get to the hospital in time. Please, Sasha?"

"I'm fine. He's still moving, and I can still talk through my contractions."

Mom sighs. "Tay!" She says quietly.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not comfortable with this, Sasha. I'm seeing what your dad thinks. I don't think it's right that you're keeping Mason out of the loop."

"You did with dad!" I snap.

"And I almost died!" She hisses back.

"Woah! What's wrong?" Dad asks when he comes up to us and sees mom's face.

"Watch her for a couple of minutes," mom says as she crosses her arms.

Dad looks at me, and as soon as he does, another contraction rips through me. I keep my face as normal as I can, but this one hurts.

Dad nods as he immediately walks towards Mason.


He turns back around and shakes his head. "I know why you wanna keep it quiet for now, but I watched that woman give birth to you just fine, and then gush blood after. It haunts my dreams still. Every day on your birthday, it's what I think about. If you think I'm gonna stand by and let my daughter be in danger of the same fate, then Sasha, that's on you."

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