~172~ She's Better

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Josie's POV

Our flight doesn't leave until tomorrow at 6:00 am, so once the graduation is over, we go to a late lunch/early supper to celebrate.

We go to a buffet, and I've never seen Dylan eat so much in my entire life.

I sit next to him and eat my mashed potatoes and Mac and cheese, while he's scarfing down enough food to feed this entire family.

"They not feed ya?" Taylor grins as he takes a bite of his steak.

"The food wasn't great," Dylan says as he takes a long gulp of his soda.

By the time we're ready to leave, Dylan has polished off six plates.


"Oh man it feels good to be full," he says as he rubs his stomach.

Mason squeezes his shoulder. "Glad you're full, but I'm mostly glad that this was a buffet so I didn't go broke."


When we get back to the hotel, Dylan changes out of his uniform—All of our mouths drop open.

My brother is ripped

I'm serious—I'm talking "Jake" ripped.

Colton's eyes bug out as he shakes his head.

"I've purposely been going to Jake's gym like crazy, so you wouldn't be able to beat my ass when you got back—Daaaaaamn."

Dylan laughs as he plops down next to him on the couch.

"Sweet tats, dude. When ya giving me one?"

"Pick a day," Colton grins.

Dylan nods. "Tuesday?"

"Hell yeah!" He says as he gives Dylan a high-five.

"Savvy has one," Colton says.

I see Liam roll his eyes discreetly.

"No way—Let me see!" Dylan shrieks like a girl.

Savannah lifts up her shirt and shows Dylan, who looks at it a long moment.

"It's seriously sweet, Savvy. Did it hurt?"

"Not as bad as the spanking I got when dad found out."

Dylan looks at Liam and laughs, and Liam doesn't look amused from where he's sitting on the couch.

Drew goes over to Dylan and sits in his lap. "Want me to color another picture for ya, since this one's all wrinkly?"

"Of course! I still wanna keep my wrinkly one, though—It's my favorite."

"How's come?"

"Cause the day I got it, I was really sad. I was missing you guys, and my muscles were really hurting. I thought I made the biggest mistake of my life by joining. When I got your picture, I got happy again. It reminded me that I had people back home who were waiting for me to finish. So I put it in my pocket, and then had a better attitude after that."

"My Dino picture did all that?" He asks.

"No, silly—You did."

Drew snuggles into his lap further, and stays like that till he falls asleep.

Mason sees his son sleeping on his brother, and Sasha snaps a picture. Then Mason stands up and gets Drew, taking him to the bedroom.

After a while, I finally call it quits.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed too," I say, having trouble keeping my eyes open. The excitement from the last couple of days is finally catching up to me.

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