~7~ Overwhelmed

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Gabby's POV

I wake up, and forget where I'm at. Man this bed is comfy. I think it's the comfiest bed I've ever slept in.

When I sit up, I notice someone had come in during the night and put an extra blanket on me. I ignore the feelings that causes and get up.

When I go downstairs, Colton is drinking milk out of the carton.

He sees me and smirks. "Don't tell, or I'm dead," he chuckles.

I say nothing as I sit at the bar. Might as well act like I own the place. They can't know that I'm a little nervous. These people can smell fear.

He gives me a hard look and wipes the milk from his mouth.

"There's really nothing good for breakfast. My mom is kind of a health freak. We can go over to my aunts if you want, though. She has all the good food. They get donuts a lot of the time on Saturday's."

Great. There's no junk food here?

"No? Ok, well, I haven't known you long enough to trust you with my secret stash. I have powdered donuts if you want. You will have to close your eyes, though," he smirks.

"She doesn't have to close her damn eyes. Mom and I know all about your "secret" stash. Gabby, he keeps all the good food in that bottom cabinet over there."

Colton's mouth drops open. "How long have you known about that?!?"

Alex chuckles. "Since you were 10. Who do you think put in the Funyuns last week?"

"That was you?!? I coulda' sworn I was losing my mind."

Before I can help myself, I chuckle. I quickly realize what I just did, and school my face into not caring.

I think they noticed though, dang it. I'll have to be more careful.

"Taylor totally ran and got donuts this morning. Wanna steal some? Colton is right though, Ellie always has the best junk food."

I just stare at them.

Alex smirks and nods. "Lilah, while you keep gettin' your beauty sleep, the rest of us are going to eat sugar," he yells up the stairs.

She comes down in a robe, and wipes the sleep from her eyes. "If you want to give your body sugar, be my guest."

"We do," Colton and Alex say at the same time as Alex winks at me and motions for me to follow them. I do, silently, and we walk right across the street to an equally big house.

Alex doesn't even knock, he just barges right on in. It's 8 in the morning, and he just walks in like he owns the place. These people are weird.

When we get in, Alex yells. "Eleanor Jane Preston, you had best saved us some donuts."

I hear chuckling from the kitchen.

"What do you take me for?"A super tiny lady with pale skin and dark hair says. She reaches on her tiptoes and gives Alex a kiss.

Behind her is a man, with even bigger muscles than Alex. He's not a giant, though. This family does have normal-sized people, apparently.

Then the pretty lady looks at me. "Hi Gabby! I'm Ellie. This crazy is Taylor. I don't know why I let him go to the bakery by himself."

Then she turns to Alex. "You wouldn't believe how many donuts he bought today."

Alex claps his hands together. "Good. We're starving," he says as he walks into the kitchen and gets plates from the cupboard.

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