~161~ Missing You

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Ellie's POV

"Are you Ellie?" Logan asks as she grins and holds out her hand.

I smile as I shake it and nod. "I am. Come on in, Logan," I say as I move out of the way.

She walks in and stares at the house, admiring it.

I've been here for so many years, I forget how truly spectacular it is—Especially to someone who's never been here before.

"My husband and I truly appreciate you doing this. Nolan's in the kitchen," I say as I lead the way. As soon as Nolan sees Logan, he literally rolls his eyes. I almost laugh out loud at his facial expression. Even I can see how completely beautiful this girl is. Poor Nolan is probably dying.

Alex is still at the counter, and grins at Logan. I know him as well as he knows me, and I know that if he were 30 years younger, he'd be crushing on her too.

"You must be Taylor," she says as she reaches her hand out for him to shake.

Alex shakes his head as he shakes her hand. "I'm Alex. Our house is the one with the tape all around it—It got crushed by a tree in the storm. My family is staying here till it's fixed."

"Wow! Nice neighbors," she grins as she looks at Nolan.

"You and me gonna do some learning, huh?"

"Guess so,"

She smiles as she sets her books on the table. "I got all of your grades and things already, and I talked to Mr. and Mrs. West. Are you related to them?"

Nolan nods. "She's my sister."

Logan nods too and opens a file. "Then can I call them Sasha and Mason around you?"

"That's what I call them," he sighs as he plops down in a chair.

"Right...." she says as she shakes her head, a little embarrassed.

"Well, Sasha really wants us to work hard on the English portion for the first few months. She thinks that will help in all the classes you're struggling in, not just hers. Your math teacher told me that your math is strong, but you flip numbers around constantly. Are you doing a Dyslexia program?"


Logan then looks at me. "My professor told me to speak with you about a program called Lexia. The one he would need is called 'Power Up'. He would work on it every afternoon before I get here, and then he and I would actually work on homework. It would help him a ton for college."

I nod as I get on my phone. "Do I just buy it online?"

"No, you would have to get an account through the school. My professor said to speak with the Special Ed teachers about getting him one."

"I'll do that tomorrow," I nod as I make myself a note. I can see Nolan sitting there, completely embarrassed. I would NEVER make him endure this if he didn't need it so badly.

He looks like he could cry right now.

She sits down and gets out some of Nolan's work. Together they work on it for a long time. Nolan is being polite, but he's having a hard time acting fine.

Gabby comes into the kitchen to get a snack, and she looks hard at Logan.

If this girl doesn't anything to embarrass my kid more, I'll spank her myself. She hasn't met Woody yet....."

"Hey Gabbs," Alex says as he kisses her cheek.

"Hey," she says as she gets her books and sits at the table.

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