~60~ First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then......

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Emma's POV

I sleep in my old room, alone. It's the first night I've been alone since the wedding night. I never do fall asleep, I just toss and turn. It's so weird how my childhood room can feel so....Lonely.

It's also the first night since I've been married that I haven't been able to fall asleep. The moment I'm in Trace's arms each night, I immediately fall into a deep and restful oblivion.

I get up the next morning, and thankfully mom still had some of my clothes here. Luck is still on my side, because every book I need is in my car from a study session I had last night at the library. I don't have to rush to the apartment before class.

When I come downstairs, mom and dad are both getting ready for work.

Dad sees me and comes over, kissing my head. "You're welcome here as long as you want....But Emma, don't come here tonight. Please make up with Trace. I'm sure he's feeling just as bad as you are."

I kiss mom and dad and leave, racing to my first class. As I'm walking in the building, I see Trace in one of the student lounges, looking over his notes for a test he has today. He sees me, but I don't make eye contact with him as I go to class.

My day is long and tiring. I'm running on fumes, and I'm just ready to go to bed.

I head to the library after school, trying to bide time. I don't want to go home, but I don't want to go to mom and dad's either. I'm just so frustrated and stressed. I'm also starting to feel super bad for the way I behaved. I know I was wrong.

I finally swallow my pride and go home. His car is in the parking lot, and I suddenly get nervous. This is stupid! It's just Trace.

I get in and the hot, sticky apartment makes me cringe. I've been in cool air conditioning all day...Now I'm back to reality again.

As soon as I walk in, Trace sees me. He silently sips on his water from the couch, glaring at me.

"Hi" he finally says as I put my stuff on the kitchen table.


He stands up and sets the water down, coming over and leaning against the door frame in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Trace. I completely panicked. It wasn't all your responsibility, and I know that. I'm so, so sorry. Will you please forgive me?"

He looks at me hard, anger still etched in his features.

"What you did was complete bullshit, Emma. We're married, and our first fight you run to your parents? You acted like a child today at school, and you have spent the last four hours avoiding coming home. I'm so pissed at you."

I hang my head and start crying. "I don't want to be pregnant," I sob.

He just stands there, watching me cry. I was fully expecting him to come comfort me, but he doesn't.

When I finally stop crying, I look at him.

"I don't want you to be pregnant either. Did you see me throwing a complete hissy fit and leaving, disappearing for almost 24 hours? You're not mature enough to be a mom yet," he snaps as he goes in our room and slams the door.

I eat some dinner, and after a bit, I go in our room. He's laying in underwear and no shirt, watching the baseball game. The ceiling fan is spinning and the windows are open, but neither are providing much relief to the hot and humid room.

I lay down next to him and put my head on his sweaty chest. He doesn't push me away, but he doesn't wrap his arms around me either.

"Sorry I forgot to wear a condom," he finally says, not looking away from the TV.

I lift my head up and stare at him, and he finally looks at me. I REALLY hurt his feelings.

"Please forgive me, Trace. Everything I did was so wrong...I just.....What if I'm pregnant?" I ask, starting to cry again.

His eyes fill with tears as he finally wraps his arms around me and brings me back to his chest.

"Then we are."

"I'm sorry I didn't make sure you knew that I wasn't on birth control anymore."

He shrugs as he tickles my back softly, making my muscles relax.

"Can I make it up to you?" I ask with my eyes closed.

"You already are, Emmy."

"I mean with sex"

He chuckles. "You didn't sleep at all last night, did you?"

I shake my head. "I couldn't. Not having you next to me was completely awful. I'd rather be miserably hot and sweaty sleeping next to you, than cool and comfy alone."

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," he says sarcastically as he grins his signature "Trace" grin.

I smile big and kiss his perfect lips. "Wanna try it again?" I ask, a little embarrassed.

"So bad," he laughs. "But I'm not about to spank a possible pregnant woman."

"Seriously? I might have to wait 9 months?!?"

He raises his eyebrows and smirks. "You really had as much fun as I did, huh?"

"I can't stop thinking about it."

He nods as he brings me back into his chest and continues tickling my back.

"Go to sleep, Emmy. I'm not going anywhere."

I fall asleep on my husband's chest, mad at myself for how I acted. This is my safe place, and last night I ran away from it.

It was inexcusable.

The next couple of weeks are stressful. I'm beyond nervous that I'm pregnant. I want to be a mom, but right now, I really just want to be a wife.

I've seen how hard Sasha has worked. I've heard how hard my mom worked. I just want to be selfish and carefree for a few years. I'm so mad at myself for being so careless.

I talked to mom, and she said that there's some accurate tests I can take quickly, if I don't want to wait until my missed period. I decide to take one. I'm supposed to start today, but so far I haven't yet. Mom said it was close enough, I shouldn't have a problem getting an accurate reading.

I buy the test, and Trace sits in the bathroom with me while I pee on the stick. Once I set the test on the counter, Trace wraps me up in his arms and sways us back and forth, putting his forehead on mine.

"If this test is positive, we will figure it out together. Do you hear me, Emma Katherine?"

I just nod, starting to cry. I don't want to be a mom yet. Not even a little bit.

He's still holding me when my timer goes off. I look up at him, and I can tell he's just as nervous as I am.

"You look, I can't," I whisper.

He takes a big breath and picks up the test, looking at it. I can't read his face. He stares at it for a long minute before he finally looks at me.

"Want the good news or the bad news?"

"TRACE NATHANIEL, just tell me!"

He looks at me and grins. "Good news is that we have some more time with it just being the two of us, before bringing a little monster into this family."

"I'm not pregnant?"

He grins big and shakes his head, picking me up and spinning me around. "Not yet. One day I'm going to put a baby inside of you, but not yet, Emmy."

I start crying again as I hug him tight: I'm so relieved.

"Wait, what's the bad news?" I ask, wiping my tears.

His eyes start burning again. "Bad news is that your period will be here anytime, and I won't be able to have my way with you for several days," he grins as he picks me up and carries me to the bedroom. He kisses me softly as he takes my clothes off, putting his hand on my empty stomach.

We spend the rest of the night enjoying each other. Exploring and experimenting our new found interest, and relishing in the fact that right now, it's still just the two of us.

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